💔 Silly little angst 💔

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holy shit this took a whole month . SpiritNinja45 -


Screech shot up out of bed. Well, someone.. else's bed..? What the hell happened the night before..??

Flashback in the rain so overused but idgaf

"Screech!" Rush called from behind him. Screech ignored. He really wasn't in the mood after what he saw. Rush was running as fast as he could to keep up. "Screech please! Listen to me! I'm begging you, please stop!" Screech sighed and stopped running, tears streaming down his cheeks. Rush finally caught up and panted loudly.

"Screech listen, I don't like Halt okay? That letter I was reading-"

 "THE LETTER WHAT?! Oh! So all of a sudden, everything we've ever done together means nothing, and you go pouring out your feelings too another boy! You're sick!" Screech snapped.

Rush's eyes widened as tears started forming in his eyes. "I-I.." he muttered and pulled the crumpled up piece of paper out of his pocket. He handed it to him and sighed. "All those problems you've been dealing with. You're my best friend, but you have seemed to be keeping your distance from me. The letter I was reading too him was too boost my confidence but.." He took a deep breath and started crying silently.

"The letter was for you Screech.." he muttered. Screech looked at him in shock and unfolded it too reveal a page long of writing. "You wrote this.. for me..?" he asked. Rush nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets. His hair was wet, his clothes were soggy and his face seemed hopeless. Screech looked back at the piece of paper and read it (in his head).

(This is a song, If you know it then ilysm)

Dear Screech,You fill me up till you're empty.
I took too much and you let me<3
We've been down all these roads before,
And what we found don't live there anymore?
It's dark. It's cold.
If my hand is not the one you're meant to hold..
Maybe you'd be happier with someone else?
Maybe loving me's the reason you can't love yourself..?
Before I turn your heart into a ghost town,
Show me everything we built so I can tear it all down..
You know I'll stay don't you tempt me
But all this "weight" is getting heavy
Been holding up what wasn't meant to stand
I turned this relationship into a wasteland.. didn't I..?
The streets are empty.
Where love once was, but it's faded away..
These broken memories. Of us.
I'm left here alone and afraid to say,
Maybe you'd be happier with someone else...

Love, Rush

Screech looked at him and started crying himself. "I.. I don't know what to say.." he muttered. Rush turned away and sighed. "I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore, I'm dramatic aren't I?" Screech couldn't say anything. He just turned him around and gave him a tight hug. "Rush..?" he muttered. Rush hugged him back and looked up. "Hm..?" Screech sniffled and hugged him tighter.

"Will you be my boyfriend..?"

End of flashback bozos<33

Screech suddenly remembered everything that happened. The letter, the rain.. their relationship. He blushed and looked to the side to see Rush snoring softly. He noticed he had hickeys all over his neck and kiss marks on his face. Wow, they even played with lipstick? Screech chuckled and kissed his cheek. He felt safe with him, but he was worried about what his parents would say if they found out he was gone without consent..

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