iii. Dean Doesn't Actually Drink Tea

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The car - 1967 Chevrolet Impala as Cas learns - pulls up in front of his house around nine. Dean kills the engine and the two get out simultaneously, not speaking as Castiel unlocks the door.

However, he does make a noise when Dean lightly places a hand on his shoulder. The light from Dean's soul is distracting him as he messes with the lock a few seconds longer, finally sighing when it unlocks and the door swings open.

He steps inside, Dean following closely until the door is closed and they're submerged in darkness.

"So, uh, you got a light in your house, or?" Dean casually asks, before laughing a bit.


"You gonna turn it on, or?"


The room is suddenly filled with light from the overhead chandelier, making Dean squint and leap back when he realizes how close he's actually standing to Cas.


"No, closeness does not bother me in the least." Castiel assures him, "Now, about that tea?"

Dean cracks a smile before nervously bringing a hand through his hair. "You see, Cas, that's the thing."

"Would you like coffee instead?"

"No Cas, that's fine, it's just I-"

Dean looks up at Cas, who has his head tilted to stare intently at the human in front of him.

"-sure, tea sounds great."

"Alright." Castiel turns away and motions for Dean to follow him, the two padding silently through the living room to reach the kitchen. "What flavour of tea?"

"Whaddaya got?" Dean questions, leaning in close enough to make most people uncomfortable as Cas is sorting through the tea.

"Orange pekoe, strawberry," Cas rummages through the jar of teabags, feeling Dean closely pressed against his side. Castiel smiles a bit, because if he had to pick an emotion, happy sums it up. "Blueberry, Earl Grey, and green."

"Uh, what's your favourite?"

"Hmm, I'm quite fond of Earl Grey, but I also enjoy green tea occasionally."

"Whatever you're having, I'll have too." Dean steps back as Cas pulls out two green tea packets, disposing of them into two separate mugs. He clicks the kettle and stands awkwardly as it starts to boil, taking note of how Dean steps closer every few seconds.

Castiel looks up to meet Dean's eyes, inhaling sharply when he catches their stunning green light. He's close enough for Cas to see the spattering of freckles on his nose, and Castiel can't help but press his lips together at the strange feeling in his gut. What emotion is this?

"So, I'm under the impression that you're not entirely straight." Dean bluntly says, his attractive lips quirked into a grin.

"I...no, I don't believe so." Castiel confirms, "I don't have a preference, if that's what you're implying."

"Good." Dean watches the kettle as it clicks off, his eyes travelling to Castiel's hand, pouring the steaming water into their mugs.

Cas tries not to snoop in on Dean's thoughts, but it's just too tempting. It's like sitting a steak in front of a dog and telling it not to eat.

Besides, Dean doesn't seem to notice as Castiel digs through the pictures floating in his mind. His car, Sam, lots of questionable and terribly written porn, and most of all, blue eyes.

Blue? Why blue?

Castiel had never seen his reflection, only his true self. Maybe he should focus harder next time and try to see what his vessel even looks like.

Maybe he's the blue eyes.

"What's your favourite colour?" he blurts, making Dean snap his gaze up from the tea to meet Cas'.

"My what?" Dean asks, before smiling down at his mug. "I like shades mostly, but I have a fondness for a soft blue."

"Blue is nice." Castiel agrees. "But I like red. It's very human."

Dean cocks an eyebrow at Cas, who looks completely lost in thought. He smiles and meets the angel's eyes once more, "What do you mean?"

"It's everywhere. Advertisements, anger - emotion, it's mundane, making me feel." Cas sighs, never breaking eye contact. Two can play at this game, whatever game it may be. "But green makes me feel too."

"Was that a pick up line?" Dean asks, taking a sip of his tea. As soon as he does, the word eww and the thought of vomiting fill the empty air between them. Cas hides his smile behind his mug.

"Maybe." Castiel replies, unsure of what a pick up line exactly is. "How's your tea?"

"Great." Dean smiles wide enough to show teeth, although his eyes scream disgusting.

"That's good." Castiel takes a sip, smiling at Dean's wince when he copies Cas.

* * *

The two drink their tea and chat until midnight, when Dean finally announces that Sam's probably expecting him back at the motel they're staying at. And that yes, Sam is his brother.

"Goodbye, Dean." Castiel says, opening his front door. The man steps past the angel, letting his hand brush along Cas' hip on the way out.

"That was fun, Cas." He smiles at the name, "Can we do it again by any chance?"

"Sure." Castiel agrees, leaning against the doorframe. Dean hovers awkwardly between the him and the front step, his soul illuminating the porch in gentle red tones.

Cas tries not to, but finally gives in to peering on the man's mind, surprised to find thoughts of him and Dean leaning in and kissing under the glow of his porch lamp.

And he can't deny that he wants to, but before he knows it. Dean's hands are jammed in his pockets and he's walking back to his car with a "Goodbye, Cas."

"Castiel sighs, waving goodbye.

Dean gets in his car, driving away at an alarming pace for this hour.

Little does he know; the second he's out of sight, the angel is after him like a lightning bolt. Flying over his car, just watching. Making sure.

All the way to the motel he's unknowingly followed by Castiel, and even when he gets out of the car he swears that he can see a flash of tan trench coat in the dark, followed by footsteps. He steps closer to investigate, before the sound of soft fluttering echoes around the parking lot, followed by silence.

Weird, he sighs and pulls out the keycard to entire his room.

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