vii. About a Billion Other Ways to Spend Spare Time with Dean Winchester

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Cas is still grinning, his lips and fingertips tingling with excitement. He's spread eagle on his bed, working the covers through his fingers and wrinkling his nose when his smile gets too big.

Bumblebee watches, narrowed eyes following the excited aura that encircles his pet human - or maybe not human. It glows a bright white, almost like burning magnesium, and encircles him as wings would. As badly as he wants to bat at them, he figures that Cas wouldn't be pleased and so he sticks to watching him make occasionally squealing noises.

Humans are dumb.


"Where the hell have you been?" Sam demands the second the motel door's closed, "You said we'd go fishing today!"

"Fishing?" Dean coughs, wrinkling his nose in a totally different reason than the angel's. "Did I?"

"You did." Sam hrmphs, immediately looking offended at the fact that Dean doesn't even remember offering to take them fishing. "And where were you - getting the shit banged out of you by some random guy in a bar?"

Dean blushes. "Surprisingly, that's not all that inaccurate."

"Dude!" Sam's scowl turns into a small grin, as he can't help but laugh. "Seriously? I'd like to think I'm not that ditchable!"

"Not just any guy - it's this Cas!" Dean replies, wiggling his eyebrows at Sam's immediately intrigued expression. "And I wasn't getting the shit banged out of me - it was just...y'know." He motions with his hands, accidentally indicating something rather sexual, but Sam's long since lost interest.

"Y'know?" Sam crinkles his little puppy dog eyes, pursing his lips a tad. "Can we go to a movie tomorrow instead?"

"Sure thing." Dean absently replies, already fiddling with his phone to text a certain angel.

"Bring Cas."


It's been an entire day without seeing Dean, and it's boring. He's vacuumed twice, showered, and baked an apple pie.

He'd received the text promising him that Dean'll show up around three to pick him up for a movie, complete with free popcorn and an awkward meeting with the Winchester's brother, Sam.

To say Cas is nervous is a slight understatement.

His palms are weirdly sweaty - what emotion is this? His stomach is turning and no matter what he does his hair always looks like a mess.

All of these worries fall dead silent when the familiar rumble of the car pulls into his driveway. Numbly, he slips outside (locking the door), and trots down to the car.

Dean encouragingly smiles, indicating to the passenger's seat. His brother - Sam, is in the back, a slightly irritated red twinge bordering his usually light green aura.

Cas doesn't say anything, so Dean turns around and introduces him: "Sammy, this is Cas."

Sam's aura suddenly flushes a bright blue with curiosity as he leans foreword. "Hi." Is all he says, although Cas can practically smell the curiosity pouring off him.

"Hello." The angel adjusts his trench coat sleeves - is this nervousness? - offering a rough greeting. "You're his brother?"

"I am."

"Younger or older?"

Dean butts in first, "Younger."

Cas nods. "Well, it seems he's taller than you so I'd assumed he was older."

Sam decides he likes this new guy.


"So what movie do you wanna see?" Dean asks once they're inside, although Cas is finding it rather hard to focus on the titles flashing across the screen when so many people are continuing on their daily lives about him. The entire room is an abundance of colours, reflecting off the walls and back off Dean's face - if only he knew he looked so stunning in this moment.

"Anyone?" Dean calls again, looking to either person on each side of him.

"Uh, what about Deadpool, it's very good from what I've heard." Sam offers, and Cas nods along. He's not wrong; everything they sell at his store is either Frozen or Deadpool themed, so it clearly must be good. Although Frozen was a terribly overrated movie, according to so many people (and the angel himself), so he can't trust everything he sees.

"I think it looks good." Cas inputs, watching the trailer in awe. Auras can't be captured on camera unless it's some fault (which happened more with older cameras then more modern ones), and the angel loves to watch things unfold without the slightest indication as to what'll happen.

"So Deadpool it is?" Dean triple checks even as he makes his way up to buy the tickets.

He's asked if he's older than eighteen.

He's flattered.


Cas decides Deadpool is his favourite movie, ever. The action is so intense he's on the edge of his seat at all times, and when Dean puts his hand around his shoulder, electricity crackles through the both of them although only the angel can really feel it at a level more powerful than a little chill.

They go through three large popcorns and two large drinks, and for the steamy scenes Cas swears he feels Dean's arm tighten around him.

He doesn't per say understand why humans are so entertained by sex - it's just for reproduction, although they always insist on making something more out of it. But, considering the angel hasn't experienced anything yet, he can't really speak.

At the end of the movie, Dean pulls Cas outside while Sam insists on watching the bonus scene after the credits - apparently Dean's already seen it and it isn't worth waiting the ten minutes.

Although when he pulls the angel behind the theatre and gently pins him against the wall, Cas has about fifty billion other ways to spend the ten minutes in the grey light of the falling sun.

His hands fly automatically to cup the back of Dean's neck; the soft baby hairs there grazing his hands and bringing a grin to his face.

Which of course, is wiped off a few moments later when Dean leans in to kiss the angel.

It's not hesitant this time, instead they jump straight to the gnashing teeth, wandering hands and anything but dry lips.

Cas' head is spinning and he can't remember whose saliva is whose, but then again he can barely remember whose hand is on his rear end. He pulls his fingers through the short spikes, arching into Dean when his tongue brushes against his own.


Sam doesn't bother looking for them, instead he waits patiently in the car, knowing that whatever he walks in on will burn out his retinas out regardless.

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