v. Straight as a Drunk Crow Flies

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Cas works the cash until three. At four, he's finally home after taking the long way. At five, Dean calls him, asking him if he's busy right at that moment.

(And he just so happens to be free).

Smiling down at his feet, he agrees to go out to dinner this time, his grin revealing teeth when Dean tells him to dress fancy.

Before he realizes that he's not entirely sure what fancy entails. Ties, suits, brushed hair maybe? His grin falls as he flies up to Jimmy's closet to scope out the proper attire, thankful for the men's and women's fashion magazines stored there.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that Jimmy was too keen on formal wear, as his closet is stuffed with fuzzy sweaters and a few dresses that Cas is sure Dean wouldn't appreciate. Jimmy was married, but when Castiel had to claim him as a vessel, things quickly fell apart.

Except for the stupid clothes, Castiel thinks in frustration as he sifts through endless piles of ridiculous looking garments, finally settling for a clean, while dress shirt and simple blue tie to go with his black dress pants. His shoes can just be cleaned and he's certain that his trench coat will suffice as protection from the elements - after all, it seems humans like to be prepared for anything and everything.

Five minutes later, he's dressed and fussing his hair in the mirror when the doorbell rings. He quite literally flies downstairs and opens the door, hoping his hair didn't go rogue during the flight.

"Hey, Cas," Dean greets, eyes widening at Castiel's unruly lion's mane.

"It would appear that my trip downstairs disagreed with my hair." Castiel murmurs, not bothering to fix it. Something about Dean makes him think that messy hair is secretly his aesthetic.

"It's fine, Cas; now what do you want for dinner?" he asks, smiling at the angel's confusion.

"I thought you had dinner plans already made out?"

"I did." Dean admits, "But on the way here I decided that I wanted pizza and now I'm torn."

"Pizza?" Cas purses his lips, "I can do pizza."

"In suits?"

"Yes." Castiel has to fight back a real grin at the prospect of pizza. It's one of the human treasures that he adores; cheese, bacon, deep dish, he'll take it all, rain or shine.

The two make their way to Dean's car, all while Dean tells the story of how he heard this song today that completely revolutionized rock and roll, and all the way to the pizza parlour he rambles about it. He finally stops when they pull into the parking lot, looking over to find Cas just staring at him.

"What?" he asks, his features immediately twisting into a frown.

"I like when you talk. It seems so natural to you." Castiel replies, noticing his cheeks heating up.

"Flirty." Dean remarks, eyes travelling down to Cas' lips for a split second before they're drawn back up to his innocent eyes.

Neither of them had tried to take their relationship anything past platonic, but whatever it currently is, neither seems to mind.

"Pizza?" Cas suddenly blurts, pulling Dean out of his daze.

"Pizza." Dean agrees, opening his door. Cas follows suit - no pun intended - and the two of them make their way to the dingy and dead silent pizza parlour standing in front of them. Only one worker is currently at the cash, and Cas can hear her humming along to the crummy radio from outside.

Once inside, Dean immediately gravitates toward the menu options, while Cas finds himself drawn in by the intricate bubblegum machines the store has in the front window.

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