x. Gay Shit™

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you should've seen me writing this I was acting it out I'm such garbage lololol I didn't edit it either


The sun seems brighter when he opens his eyes that morning, filtering in through the sheer curtains covering his windows. He hasn't bothered to move from the couch, where he'd fallen asleep with Bumblebee nestled in the crook of his arm - although he technically doesn't need sleep, it's a human luxury he occasionally indulges in. And besides, certain activities with an certain human can leave one tuckered out.

Cas shakes his head to clear it of any fog before picking up his phone to find a missed call from said human. He redials, only having to wait one ring before Dean picks up.

"Hello?" he's breathless.

"Dean." Cas greets in his usual, baritone way. The line is buzzing with static for a few seconds before he continues, "Are you still willing to come over today?"

Although the angel can't see it, Dean grins. "Obviously," he replies, "I'll bring pizza."

"Sounds great to me." Cas regards his mountain of dishes in the sink with a cringe. "Yeah, sounds really great."

"I just have to do an oil change for my aunt and then I'll be over - around three or so." Dean promises and Cas looks up in surprise to find the grandfather clock in his living room ready to chime one o'clock. He sighs, pressing his lips into a straight line.

"It's almost one o'clock." He points out, letting out a frustrated breath when Dean howls with laughter. "What?" Cas defensively asks.

"Do I not remember you saying you didn't like sleeping in, or was that implied in the details?" Dean questions, laughing again. "See Cas, I told you, you were missing out."

"All I am is tired."

"That's the fun in it!"

Cas sighs. "Is it, Dean?"

Dean lets out a quick, bark-laugh, "Yes, because clearly it means I'm doing a thing right here."

As much as he hates to, Cas lazily grins at this. "Whatever you say, Dean."

"I think I'm doing pretty damn good!" he protests, before Sam or someone in the background makes an extremely impatient noise. "Oh - and that's my queue, see you around Cas."

He doesn't have a chance to say goodbye before the line clicks dead.


The angel hates dishes with a passion. In his defence (or possible offence) he probably shouldn't have let them pile up to the point where an entire bacteria culture could probably grow and have a good time doing it too, but he's been busy - to say the least.

On the bright side it doesn't take long for him to wash them all, and then proceed to whisk them away to their proper spots with a touch of grace. He leans back against his counter, nodding in approval and how his kitchen actually looks clean for once. And now he only has another hour and fifteen minutes to burn.

He groans, glancing out the window to see some lady walking her dog down the quiet street. If only, he thinks sadly, before his head snaps up to stare at his cat.

Well, technically they're both four-legged mammals so how different can it be?


Oh, how Castiel hates the burning feeling of embarrassment curling its way up from his toes to settle on his cheeks in the form of a blush. As it is, cats do not like being taken for walks and will immediately run up the nearest tree.

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