vi. Another Disappointingly Late Update, but Enjoy the Fluff

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"A fork, Cas?" Dean laughs, watching the angel attempt to dissect his pizza with a plastic fork and knife set. For whatever reason he just keeps them on his counter which could either mean he hates doing dishes (Dean wouldn't blame him), or just doesn't have any dishes - although considering the size of his house, a lack of cutlery would surely make no sense. But Dean doesn't judge.

"Well aren't you supposed to eat with forks?" he questions tensely, wide blue eyes resembling a deer in headlights.

"Not with pizza, although generally yes." Dean replies with a gentle laugh, plucking the cutlery out of Cas' hands. "Try just picking it up and chowing."

Cas nods, awkwardly picking up and folding the pizza in half, before taking a monstrous bite - which leaves Dean wondering if he's that good at fitting so much pizza into his mouth what else could he fit a lot of? Before he can ponder it further a blush settles on his cheeks and he has to turn away to stare at the cat lounging on the back of Cas' couch to calm down.

"That's better." Cas remarks, wiping at his mouth with his sleeve, before freezing. "Oops." He looks down at his grease covered suit, before shrugging. "I never wear it anyhow."

"Why not?" Dean immediately questions, leaning on his elbows to gaze at the angel...

Who merely shrugs. "I don't know, I mean I'm an average...human, and the most luxurious thing I have is the liberty of working at a gas station a few days a week."

Dean just quietly laughs, his shoulders shaking being any real indication of his amusement. "I meant don't you go to parties?"

Cas ponders this for a moment. "I don't get invited to them," he concludes, "and they seem largely overrated, honestly."

"Overrated?" Dean looks personally offended. "You've just never been to a good party then, have you?"

"Can't say so, no."

"Well, you should come to a party with me this weekend - lots of good things that I don't care about, football, nachos and alcohol." He offers, before pursing his lips. "Okay well the last two I like, but I'm not football's biggest fan."

Cas laughs, shaking his head. "Fine, I'll go - although I can't say I'll enjoy it."

"Get wasted and you surely will."

He laughs again. "Good luck with that."

"Oh come on," Dean nudges closer to Cas, mouth pursed in a childish grin. The angel's heart beats only the slightest bit faster. "You're not telling me you've never drank?"

"Well, not really, no." He admits, and just like that it's every teenager's worst crisis - does he do it to seem cool, or forever be dubbed the wimp? It's the edge of a cliff, or possibly atop a fence - either choice could change things drastically. "But there's some in the house if you want."

Dean cracks another grin. "Atta boy - don't worry, I'll keep you from doing anything too stupid."

"Like what?"

"Get the booze," Dean jokingly demands before the angel can change his mind.


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