viii. The End is Rapidly Approaching

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there's surprisingly only a few chapters left. It's one of my shorter fics


The angel admires the gentle sunset, the colours blending flawlessly together like a watercolour painting. Stunning, even through the cruddy and fingerprint-smudged gas station window. He lets a grin grace his lips, revelling in how amazingly human he feels.

It might even be love that makes his heart jump at the memories from the movie theatre, making his palms sweat anew. How human.

He loves it.


The day passes uneventfully, the most interesting part of his day being the group of kids that come in, obviously intoxicated. Or, as Dean would put it - stoned out of their minds.

He grins again, tucking his chin to his chest in an attempt to hide his blush. It's like every day with Dean, he's appreciating the little things more. His beating heart and the way it flutters excitedly when the Winchester's around is on the top of his list, along with pizza, bubblemint gum, and hamburgers.

Seriously - it was Dean to introduce him to the beauties known as burgers, and he loves them. Apologies to any vegetarian humans - they're missing out.

Grinning, he decides to take a five minute breather to check on Sam and Dean at their motel. It's not like anyone really tries to buy anything at midnight anyhow.

It's surprisingly cold out, and the angel huffs at the chill dancing along his fingertips and nose. Neither of the Winchesters are outside, which frankly doesn't surprise him.

But when he moves closer, he notices that only Sam is inside. He's watching tv, fingers drumming thoughtfully on the coffee table. Now that he thinks about it, the '67 Chevy wasn't in the parking lot - which leaves the question of where's the older Winchester?

He turns around a few times, before wrinkling his nose at the scene before him. Almost empty parking lot, and no Dean anywhere in sight.

What is in sight, however, is the second last thing he'd rather see at this moment. The tiny, blonde vessel known to be Gabriel's is meandering down the sidewalk, a lollipop in hand. The angel sighs.

"Hey bro!" Gabriel casually greets, waving the candy as some form of greeting.

Cas just nods in response, before quietly asking, "Why are you here, brother?"

"Just checking in." The archangel reassures, leaning to the side to glare at the Winchester's window. Castiel doesn't speak, and after a tense few seconds, Gabriel asks: "So - you're done with this, right?"

"What's this?"

"Y'know, six-foot-two, blonde and freckled?" he replies, wagging the candy in time with his syllables, "the others are starting to get worried."

Cas snorts. "Let them."

"You're not worried?" Gabriel questions, "I mean, I don't care - this is your life, live it and die as you please, and then take your punishment from Dad."

The angel nods, the word 'live' refusing to leave him. Before, he would've scoffed at the simple term. Now, he's certain he knows what it is to properly live, and he's not willing to give that up.

So he simply nods again.

"I will, and I won't let any of our brethren intrude on me doing so." Cas promises, holding Gabriel's eye contact the entire time.

"And I'll help you." The archangel promises, the sincerity of it startling Cas for a moment. "Also, do you know if the tall one is into dudes?"

"Sincerity gone." Cas remarks, turning away.

"Well? Do you?" Gabriel has to shout now, disturbing said tall Winchester from his daze.

"Why don't you ask him?" Castiel responds, managing to slip into the shadows seconds before the motel door opens.


Papers and small items scatter when he flies back to the old gas station, and he's pleased to find that other than his disturbance the store is untouched.

Except for one thing.

An old '67 Chevy sits quietly outside, empty and soundless except for the gentle chirping of the crickets who refuse to let the cold bring them down.

"Dean?" Cas calls, visibly leaping when the Winchester's head pops up from behind the cash.

"Where were you?" Dean demands, "I mean, I checked the entire store and you weren't here - and now you're here!"

"I the bathroom, sorry Dean I must've not heard you."

He doesn't look convinced, but with a shake of his head he's back to his usual grinning self.

"Weird, but anyhow, what're you doing?"

"Just closing up for the night, why?" Cas gravitates to the other man, immediately interested in why he's here.

"I got bored, and Sam wouldn't turn down the tv." Dean replies, shrugging and pulling himself up to sit on the counter. "So I came here."

"Looking for entertainment?" the angel doesn't have to guess to know what Dean's going to say - his aura is a sheepish green colour, swirling about and snapping back like a lasso.

A/N is that how it's spelt? the little rope thing cowboys use???

"It depends if you're willing to offer said entertainment." Dean leans closer upon these words, a smirk on his lips.

"Who am I to say no?" Cas closes the distance between the two, even daring to inch himself between the Winchester's legs. He doesn't mean to push them apart so aggressively, but when Dean lets out a moan he mentally applauds himself, as angels do.

Surprisingly enough Dean pulls away after about twenty seconds, his lips already pinker than before. "You see Cas, this is great and all, but are you down for-"

"Yes," Cas doesn't bother to hear the rest of his sentence, instead he busied himself with nipping at Dean's freckled neck. "Whatever it may be you're offering, I'll always be with you one hundred percent."

"Well in that case I'm not glorifying it - how do you feel about sex?" the Winchester is flushed all over, but no matter what the tent in his pants is saying he knows consent is the best first step.

"In a gas station?" Cas' voice is considerably higher, but his pants are considerably tighter though so things balance out, if you dare say. "In that case I'm not glorifying it - so yes." He doesn't really care that it isn't a valid answer to the question, but his point is still received loud and clear: yes, here, yes now and yes forever - the simplest of love stories told in three letters.

wow I could end the book right here..

but I won't lolol I still have a little more planned, and besides the prologue still has to happen so like woo

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