xii. The Actual End

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Castiel doesn't want to admit that he's been counting the days since he last saw Dean - thirteen, including today, - but it seems with each passing second the desire to stomp into his stupid little motel room and drag him outside to either demand an explanation or kiss the ever loving hell out of him grows stronger. So he doesn't do anything, other than serve the usual customers at the gas station, before returning home each night to bitch about his itchy uniform and stupid name plate with Steve written on it.

He's practically human, so why shouldn't his name plate say Castiel on it? Castiel Novak, the human. It fits, quite nicely, actually.

Humming to himself in approval, he quickly jots down on a sticky note 'Castiel Novak', before turning to greet the newest customer as the bell on the door jingles.

The light blinds him even before he can see his face, but he knows exactly who it is. His grin stretches wider.

"Dean." He greets.

"Heya, Cas." The Righteous Man replies, brilliant, shimmering blue light radiating off him in waves. Castiel huffs at this, earning a reaction from Dean. "What?"

The angel - maybe not angel, who really knows anymore - laughs. "You're wearing my grace like a second skin - it's lighting up the entire store." He replies, before quietly adding, "I've been wondering where that went to."

"Your gra-angel mojo, you mean?"

"Yes, that." Cas agrees, "Angel mojo."

"And I have it?" Dean shakes his hands, unable to see the holographic light that radiates off it, but Cas' small smile lights up the room for the same effect, anyhow. "Do you want it back?"

The angel snorts, shaking his head. "Even if I could take I back - it's not doing you any harm, and besides, I have no use for it anymore."

"What were you using it for anyhow?" Dean asks, jumping up to sit on the counter, facing away from the angel.

"Hmm." Cas hesitantly replies, "I was saving it on the off chance that I needed it to protect you."

"It worked."

Cas hums in agreement when the Winchester swivels around to face him.

"How do you know they're not gonna come for me again?" Dean doesn't intend to make the entire fleet of angels sound like douchebags, but when the angel sitting in front of him snorts in amusement, he carries on. "I mean, they're almost all dead set on finding me - isn't God super homophobic or something?"

"False, and false." Cas replies. "They won't come for you, not anymore - they now know there's...something that's protecting you."

"Like what? Secret powers?"

The corners of Cas' mouth turn up. "Sure."

"No, Cas, really - what is it?"

"You're what's known as a Righteous Man. They come around every now and then, and essentially carry a little bit of grace with them from past experiences - no, I don't know how or where you obtained yours or if it runs in your blood." He explains, carefully watching the colours flash behind Dean's eyes, seeing them swirl slowly as he starts to nod in cautious understanding. "So - you're safe."

"Am I?" the Winchester asks, eyes meeting the angel's. "Is that why I could never say your full name - it'd like, alert the others?"

Cas laughs softly. "Essentially."

"Can I say it now?"

Nodding in confirmation, Cas lets a grin creep across his face when Dean mumbles the first syllable of his name, tapering off quietly.

At his encouraging nod, Dean confidently says, "Castiel."

And of course, there's no logical response to this other than to kiss the living hell out of the Winchester because it's been way too long since he's heard his own name said so purely. Dean doesn't complain, instead he leans forewarn to meet the angel half way next time.

Thankfully no one else is in the gas station when Dean pulls back, eyes clouded and confused. "So, what are we, Castiel."

The angel's eyes flutter closed, a pleasant smile on his lips. No answer is said, but when Cas pulls Dean towards him once more, neither hesitates.

"Boyfriends?" Dean breathlessly asks in between kisses.

"I'd certainly think so." Cas replies.

Dean breaks the kiss with a laugh, snorting a couple times at Cas' confused expression. The angel(?) doesn't have to ask about it, before Dean explains, "Is this the first time we've established our relationship status?"

Castiel shrugs. "Maybe." He starts to chuckle now, the utter irony of the situation hitting him.

"What?" Dean asks in between huffed laughter.

"It's so ironic - I'm a fallen angel, who was afraid to fall," he explains, "no, not the type you're thinking of - I was so afraid to fall in love."

"And now?"

"I think I've already fallen," Cas' voice has dropped to a whisper, "but if not; I'm ready for The Fall."


The Fall - Imagine Dragons
Satellite - All Time Low
Coming Down - Halsey
Angel With a Shotgun - The Cab

Heyy so that's my third completed fic, I'm so happy I finally finished it :) it's super cheesy and idk how I feel about it but it's done, just in time too - I was starting to lose interest in it :s

But anyhow, if you liked it, let me know <3

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