4. Three Months

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Warnings: Nightmares (and fight responses upon waking up). Violence. I'm not sure how to word it, but violence that only occurred because a person is different. Self-sacrificial behaviours. I briefly bring up Obi-Wan's less than stellar padawan days.

Please take care of yourself. You have every right to show yourself kindness. If these topics are too much for you, don't put yourself through that pain.

General Note: the way I wrote this chapter is a little weird, but I actually really like it like this and this fic is essentially a self-indulgence so I'm keeping it this way. Sections of this are written from another character's POV. In case it isn't clear, this is not to say that Obi-Wan and Petra are experiencing things from that other character's POV, I just really enjoyed writing from that character's POV and thought it was interesting to show it that way. Sorry if that causes any confusion.

It hadn't been a night terror this time. She snapped awake with Obi-Wan's hand clasped around hers, scrabbled back only to hit Cody, and Obi-Wan only barely managed to soothe her through their bond in time to stop her from throwing them both back with the Force.

Her relief was a wave that physically knocked Obi-Wan off balance, but she brought her shields up a moment later, leaving only a quiet note of apology in the bond. "Sorry," she spoke, presumably for Cody's sake.

"Obi-Wan held me up against a wall for five minutes once. You're fine."

Obi-Wan gave his partner a dry look, but Cody was unrepentant, which Obi-Wan decided was fair given Petra's shoulders had relaxed at hearing that. "Cody's given me a black eye a couple of times." And they both remembered the time Cody left bruises around Obi-Wan's neck defined enough to make out separate fingers, but that wasn't something to share with Petra right now. "Tea?" he offered, since that was the ritual they were all familiar with.

Petra nodded sharply, accepting Cody's hand to help her out of bed. Obi-Wan went to make the tea while Cody got her situated on the sofa, wrapping a blanket over her shoulders.

Her hands were steady, her breathing even, but she kept staring out into the distance, and Obi-Wan could feel her drifting as much as see it. A few signs shared behind her back and Cody started pulling her focus. Obi-Wan didn't hear whatever response she gave to Cody. She must've decided he was out of range to hear the conversation. He was meant to be making tea anyway.

As the tea curled steam through the air on the small table in front of the sofa, Obi-Wan chose his seat with care— close enough to be in Petra's reach, far enough not to crowd if contact wasn't what she wanted right now. "How are you?"

She shrugged, thumbs smoothing along the edge of the delicate teacup. "Unsteady."

Obi-Wan nodded, appreciating the honesty. "I think that's rather alright, considering."

Petra nodded too, holding her face over the tea. Obi-Wan sipped slowly at his own. Cody, sat in what could only be called a heap on the floor, took gulps spread out evenly enough that he matched Obi-Wan's pace. Obi-Wan had never been able to figure out how Cody always did it without burning his mouth.

"You're not going to ask, are you?"

"You never do," Obi-Wan pointed out. They'd spent too many early mornings drinking tea out here for him to think any differently. Cody and Obi-Wan both appreciated the silence and peace and company when their dreams were cruel, it was only courtesy to offer the same to Petra now she seemed grounded enough not to drift away. Not everyone liked to talk about the things that haunted their dreams, and that was ok.

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