The Breakup

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Jacqui’s POV

                I giggled when I heard Hayden’s ‘Sex Monkey’s’ comment, but once I started thinking my smile was replaced with a frown. I realized that Louis and I had only been dating for three weeks and I’ve already ,managed to flash him my boobs and lose my virginity.

Wow you’re such a slut. You would’ve thought that by working in the field of medicine you would be more educated on things like this. Wow, Duke accepted an idiot in their medical school.

I sighed silently. “What’s wrong Jacqui?” Louis questioned.

So much for being silent.

I sighed again, “Nothing.” I muttered looking away from Louis.

I felt his long soft fingers grip my chin and turn it towards his face. My nervous hazel eyes met his serious blue-green ones.

“I said what’s wrong, and don’t you dare lie to me Jacqui.”

“Do you think I’m a slut?” I blurted out, my eyes widened and  I covered my mouth with my hands embarrassed.

“What? No! Why would you think that?”

“ ‘Cause we’ve been dating for three weeks and I already managed to lose my virginity.” I looked down at my hands embarrassed.

“ That doesn’t matter Jacqui because you only lose your virginity to someone you really love. You love me don’t you.”

I immediately froze up. Love. I’ve never heard those words come out of a boy’s mouth well of course I have but I hadn’t been directed towards me.

I thought for a minute. Do I love him? Well of course you do idiot everytime you see him you’re heart goes knock knock. And those butterflies in your stomach won’t stop stop.

Really Jaqcui, Justin Bieber? Wow, I’m really dumb.

By the time I became back in touch with reality Louis was already halfway through the front door. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, “Louis where are you going?”

“Out.” I jumped at the gruffness of his voice.

“Out where?”

“Look I don’t have to answer to you,” he snapped,” Why do you want me to stay huh? You obviously don’t love me back. My god why am I such a bloody idiot!”

“You’re no-“

“Stop it! Stop talking to me! Stop acting like you care! Stop acting like you actually love me when I know you don’t! Stop trying to spare my feeling. Just stop!” His pale blue-green eyes darken and he glared at me with so much hatred.

And then he left. He walked out the door and never looked back. And the worst part? I just stood there.

And let me tell you it was the most painful thing I have ever done.

Louis’s POV

I can’t believe this. She doesn’t love me back. All those sincere smiles- bullshit, all those times she blushed and looked at the ground like she was embarrassed-bullshit, all those endless text messages filled with smiley faces and hearts- double bullshit.

I can’t believe I wasted three weeks of my life loving a girl who didn’t love me back. I can’t believe that I was such a fool, that I actually believed that a girl as beautiful, funny, smart, and innocent girl like her would fall for a guy like me. When I asked her if she loved me she looked like a deer in headlights, that was the most heart breaking thing I have ever seen.

As I slammed the car door salty tears streamed down my face and I wiped them away angrily.

You’re such a pussy Louis. Grow some balls, stop crying over a chick.

I started the car and drove the only place I knew would help the pain the away, I went to the club.

Two hours later.

I had down 10 shots of tequila, two beers, and 5 vodkas and I was piss drunk and in dire need of a toilet. I staggered my way to the bathroom sloppily, stumbling over someone once in a while and getting shoved.

Just as I was about to open the door I felt familiar hands trailing up and down my torso. I turned around only to come face to face with the one and only Eleanor Calder, the girl who broke my heart. “Hey Louis,” she purred seductively, ”Long time no see.”

“H-hey Eleanor.” I said nervously I might have been drunk but I still knew that this was wrong.

Her hands trailed up and down my torso again as she purred, ”Don’t be shy Lou. I see you dumped that bitch Jacsie.”

“H-her n-name is Jacqui.”

“Whatever Lou, you’re with me now why don’t you just forget about her.”

I was about to push her off of me when I felt her hand grope my member. I moaned in pleasure. “Oh you like that huh? Why don’t we go back to your place and I can show you what you’ve been missing.”

“I-I’d like that.” I said as she reached her hands into my pants.

Stop. This is wrong. But it feels so good. You’re gonna break Jacqui’s heart. But she already broke your’s.

I didn’t remember her taking my car keys and driving me to my place. Or me opening the door to my flat. Hell, I didn’t even remember us having ruthless sex.

All I remember is a knock on the door. All I remember is Eleanor opening the door and me going to check who was there. All I remember is the look on Jacqui’s face. All I remember is hearing her croaking out “I love you.” before running away.

All I remember is how much of a dick I am for breaking Jacqui’s heart.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I was busy with school, and dance, and other stuff! This chapter was really sad L. Sorry Jacqui! Thank you to everyone who reads my story! Love ya! Stay fierce guys!

~Big Tops~ ;)

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