Love Is In The Air

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Authors's note:

Okay so I apologize in advance for this chapter being shit. My brother is using the computer

so I can't use it. :(


Skye's POV

I ran up the stairs and decided to stay in my room for a bit and listen to music.

Jacqui's POV

I turned to Louis and asked him if he wanted to take a walk, and luckily he agreed. I led him out the front door and we drifted to a comfortable silence. That was until Louis tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked up at him and smiled slightly before I said, "What?"

He smirked and slyly replied, "Nothing you're just really pretty."

I rolled my eyes and whispered, "Don't say that Tomlinson. You're gonna make me fall for you more than I already have."

I gave him another smile, but this time it was fake. We fell into another silence until Louis stood in front of me, I tripped over his foot and nearly fell face-first when I felt large hands wrap around my waist.

Electricity ran through my body, and I mumbled a quick thanks looking down at the ground blushing. He lifted my chin up and whispered, "What did you say?"

I blushed once again. Here goes nothing. "I said: Don't say that Tomlinson. You're gonna make me fall for you more than I already have." I looked down at the ground again.

But being the annoying little bugger Louis is he lifted my chin up once again. He had a huge smile on his face and I just rolled my eyes.

I tried to continued walking but he grabbed my arm, and turned me around so I was facing him. "Persistent aren't you Tomlinson?"

"Yup. But I know you love it. Or else you would'nt have said you were falling for me would you, love?" I wanted to slap that smirk off of his face.

"Shut up Louis. Don't rub in the fact that you don't like me back." I mumbled embarassed.

He grabbed hold of my hands and gazed inti my eyes sincerely."But that is were you're wrong love."

"What are you talking ab-." I was cut off with a soft kiss on the lips. I smiled up at him and said, "Kiss me again you idiot."

Tingles ran through my whole body as I felt his soft lips on mine. He smiled down at me and kissed me on the cheek. "Shall we go to the ice cream parlor?"

I smiled up at him, "Yes we shall Mr. Tomlinson." And with that we skipped all the way there with goofy smiles on our faces.

Skye's POV

I heard a knock on my door and told the person to come in. As soon as I saw Harry I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Get out Styles."

"No," He said. I search his face for any playfulness but I didn't find anything. His face was dead serious. "We got off on the wrong foot. I want to apologize for being such a prick. I can be a little too much sometimes."

"A little? Sonetimes?"

"Ok ok, a lot most of the time."

"More like it Styles. I accept your apology and I sorry for kicking you in your"

"My parts? C'mon just say it Skye." Harry chuckled.

"Nuh uh Harry I'm good." He just laughed, he was on his way out the door when I said, "Hey, uh you can stay if you want." He smiled and took me up on it.

"Twenty questions?" He asked.


The game ended up lasting for an hour. I told him some things that even Jacqui didn't know, and he told me things Louis didn't even know.

I was starting to like Harry as more than a friend.

Harry's POV

Skye was really opening up to me. I felt as if I had known her for years. My feelings for Skye were growing by the second.

She smiled a beautiful smile at me and I flashed her one back. I heard her say, "Your dimples are so cute." When she realized I had heard she blushed and looked down embarassed.

I lifted her chin up and said,"And you look beautiful all the time." She blushed again. "Can I kiss you?"

She nodded and I leaned in, and then what happened? Fireworks.


This chapter was so cute. You're welcome Jacqui ;) I love you guys so much 115 reads! You guys are amazing! Mwah!

-Big Tops- ;)

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