17 - Ouchie - SJ

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Lea is 4 | ScarlettxDaughter

Words: 1431 
TW: blood


I wake up in the middle of a good dream. I really want to finish it, so I try to go back to sleep. It's not working. I don't know what time it is, but it looks like it's still dark outside. I grab my stuffie and get out of bed. I walk over to Mom's room and push open the door. I walk to her side, but she's not at the edge of the bed, so I can't reach her. I throw my stuffie on the bed and grab the blanket, trying to pull myself up. I'm almost there when my hand slips, and I fall, landing hard on my bum. It really hurts, and I let out a cry.

"Mama!" I call out, still sitting on the floor.

"Lea, baby? Where are you?" she says in a husky voice. I see her sit up on the bed and look around, but she doesn't see me. I start crying harder.

"Mama, ground. Hurt," I say between sobs. She finally looks down and shifts over to pick me up.

"Baby, are you hurt?" she asks. I nod and point to my bum. Mama laughs a bit, which I find weird, so I snuggle more into her.

"Why are you awake at 5 am, baby?"

"I woke up."

"Yeah, I can see that. Why did you wake up, baby?" I shrug because I don't know; I just did. Mama lays back down with me on her.

"Go back to sleep, baby," she says, and I hum. I close my eyes and fall asleep again.

I wake up for the second time today. I'm in Mom and Colin's bed, but I'm alone. I carefully slide off the side of the bed with my stuffie. I walk into the bathroom, hoping Mama is in there, but she isn't. I walk out of the room and call for Mama, but there's no answer. I walk to the stairs and stand there, knowing I'm not allowed to walk down them on my own. I call out for Mama again, but still no answer. I call out for Colin, no answer. I call out for Rose, hoping she can get Mama or Colin, but there's no answer. I start crying. Why don't they hear me?

After a few more calls, I decide to walk down on my own. What could go wrong? I carefully walk down the stairs. I get so happy when I see I only have three steps left. I think I can jump this.

Should I?

Yes, I am a big girl.

I can jump this far.

I got this.

I throw my stuffie down first.

Okay, she's still alive, so I can do this too.

I stare a little bit longer.

Okay, Lea, you got this.

I jump.

This is so fun—

"LEA, NO!" I hear Mama yell, but it's already too late. I land face-first on the ground, and my cute giggle is replaced by painful cries. Mama rushes over to me.

"Oh, baby," she says, picking me up. My nose is bleeding, and I'm holding my left arm. I see Colin running towards us from the kitchen.

"Everything all right?" he asks.

"No, can you grab some ice and bring it to the kitchen?" Mama asks him, and he nods before walking away. I snuggle into Mama, not caring about the blood on her shirt. She sits me on the counter and grabs a paper towel for my nose.

"What happened, Lea?" I hear Rose ask. Before I can answer, Mama does.

"She called for us, but we didn't hear her. So, she walked downstairs and jumped the last few steps. But she fell." I nod softly. How did they not hear me?

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