3 - Cosmo - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
Age: 14/16

Parents: Scarlett Johansson & Colin Jost
Siblings: Rose (5/7) & Cosmo (0/2)

Plot summary: Requested by: JulieHelligsoe

Plot summary: Requested by: JulieHelligsoe

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Hope you like it <3

2978 Words :) (not spellchecked, sorry)


Scarlett and Colin call me and Rose down together, excitement radiating from their smiles. Rose, my little sister, bounces in her seat, her dimples peeking out, unaware of the big news about to unfold. I can barely contain my own anticipation, sensing something extraordinary in the air.

"Girls," Scarlett begins, her voice carrying a mix of joy and nervousness, "we have something special to share."

Colin chimes in, his eyes sparkling, "Your mom and I are going to have a baby!"

I gasp, my heart soaring with elation. A baby? A little sibling? The thought fills me with inexplicable happiness, imagining tiny fingers and little giggles filling our home. I can't help but grin widely, my excitement bubbling over.

But as I turn to Rose, her face doesn't reflect the same joy. Her brows furrow, and her eyes well up with tears. Confusion lingers in her expression, and I realize she doesn't quite understand what's happening.

"Are you sad, Rosie?" I ask gently, trying to decipher her emotions.

She sniffles, nodding slightly. "I don't want things to change," she murmurs, her words fragile and laced with uncertainty.

Scarlett crouches down, embracing Rose, her voice soft and reassuring. "Oh, sweetheart, things will change, but it will be wonderful. You'll have a new baby to play with and love."

Colin joins in, adding, "We'll still be here for both of you, no matter what. Our love for you won't change."

Rose looks up, her eyes searching for reassurance. Scarlett wipes away her tears, and with a gentle smile, she explains how a new baby would bring more love to our family, making our bond stronger.

I try to help, signing to Rose, "The baby will be like having a new friend, someone we can take care of and play with together."

Rose's tears begin to fade, a flicker of understanding shining through. She nods slowly, a tentative smile forming as Scarlett and Colin envelop us in a group hug, reassuring us once more of their unwavering love.

As Scarlett and Colin talk about the baby, I watch Rose, trying to understand her feelings. Change can be scary, I know, especially when you're little and can't quite grasp what it all means.

But I'm excited. Excited for the baby kicks, the late-night lullabies, and the tiny fingers grasping mine. I'm excited for the new chapter, even if it means things will be different. And I promise myself I'll be there for Rose, to guide her through this new adventure, just like Scarlett and Colin guide us.

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