5 - Lea's guitar - SJ

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Name: Lea Kayle Johansson
Age: 10

Parents: Scarlett Johansson
Siblings: X

Plot summary: Lea discovers her love for music

Hope you like it <3

2498 Words :) (not spellchecked, sorry)


I found it tucked away in the corner of the attic—a guitar, its polished wood gleaming softly in the dim light that filtered through the small window. Dusty and forgotten, it seemed to beckon to me, whispering tales of melodies waiting to be played and songs longing to be sung. With a rush of excitement, I cradled it in my arms, feeling its weight and the promise it held.

Heart racing with anticipation, I sprinted downstairs, each step echoing through the house, clutching the guitar tightly against my chest. "Mom! Mom!" I called out, bursting into the living room where she was sitting, a book in hand.

Scarlett looked up, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she saw me, breathless and beaming with the guitar clutched to my chest. "Lea, what's got you so excited?"

I struggled to catch my breath, excitement bubbling within me. "Mom, look what I found in the attic!" I blurted out, barely able to contain my enthusiasm. "Can you teach me how to play?"

A warm smile played on Scarlett's lips as she set her book aside, her eyes alight with encouragement. "A guitar, huh? That's wonderful, sweetie! Of course, I'd love to help you learn."

She rose from her seat, walking over with an encouraging pat on my shoulder. Together, we settled on the couch, the guitar resting gently between us. Scarlett began to show me the basics—the names of the strings, how to hold it, and the magical way fingers danced across the fretboard.

With patient guidance, she strummed a few chords, letting the notes linger in the air. Then, it was my turn. My fingers fumbled at first, the strings producing awkward sounds, but with Scarlett's gentle encouragement, I persisted.

"Keep going, Lea. You're doing great," she reassured me, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement.

I tried again and again, slowly finding the rhythm and feeling the strings under my fingertips. The sound began to harmonize, a melody taking shape, each strum feeling more confident than the last.

In those moments, as I clumsily navigated the guitar strings, I felt a connection—an invisible bond forming between me, the instrument, and my mom. Scarlett's patient guidance became the bridge that connected my budding passion for music with the magical world of melodies.

As the evening sun painted the room in hues of gold, I strummed the guitar, feeling the music resonating within me. And in Scarlett's encouraging smile and shared excitement, I found the inspiration to embark on this musical journey, my heart brimming with the promise of melodies waiting to be discovered. Together, in the comfort of our home, we embraced the harmony that would shape our shared love for music into something truly beautiful.


A few days after my discovery in the attic, Mom noticed my newfound enthusiasm for the guitar. With a warm smile, she suggested, "How about we go pick out a guitar that's just for you, Lea?"

I could hardly contain my excitement. The prospect of choosing my very own guitar filled me with anticipation. The following Saturday, Mom and I embarked on a special trip to the music store.

As we stepped into the store, a wave of fascination swept over me. The place was alive with the enchanting aura of music, the air filled with the sound of chords being strummed and notes being plucked from different instruments.

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