18 - Meeting Robbie - EO

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Lucy is 8 | LizziexDaughter

Words: 4473


Every morning, I wake up to the smell of pancakes drifting from the kitchen. Mom is always up early, preparing breakfast while humming her favorite songs. I shuffle out of bed, still half asleep, and rub my eyes as I stumble into the cozy kitchen. Mom turns around with a big smile, her curly hair bouncing.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" she greets me cheerfully, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Guess what? We have a special day planned today!"

I perk up instantly, curious. "What is it, Mom?"

"We're going to meet someone special," she says with a twinkle in her eye. "His name is Robbie."

I pause, chewing on my pancake thoughtfully. Mom has mentioned Robbie before. She says he makes her smile a lot, like in those movies she stars in. I've never met him though.

"He's my boyfriend," she continues gently, watching my reaction carefully. "I want you to meet him and tell me what you think of him, okay? Your opinion matters the most to me."

I nod slowly, still trying to understand what this all means. Mom promised she'll be with me the whole time, so I know I can trust her.

"We're just going out to eat some lunch together," Mom adds, pouring me a glass of orange juice. "It'll be fun, I promise."

I finish my pancakes quietly, thinking about meeting Robbie. Mom cleans up the dishes and starts getting ready while I brush my teeth and put on my favorite dress with the sparkly stars.


We arrive at the restaurant, and Mom holds my hand as we walk inside. The hostess greets us warmly, and Mom asks for a table for three. I peek around nervously, looking for Robbie. Mom spots him first—a tall man with kind eyes and a big smile. He waves at us, and Mom waves back enthusiastically.

"Lucy, this is Robbie," Mom says gently, crouching down beside me. "Robbie, this is my daughter Lucy."

"Hi Lucy," Robbie says warmly, extending his hand. I shake it shyly, feeling a bit unsure.

"Hi," I mumble, peeking up at him through my hair.

We sit down at the table, Mom on one side and me on the other, with Robbie across from me. Mom orders some food for us, and Robbie starts asking me questions about school and my favorite books. Slowly, I start to feel more comfortable.

"He likes superheroes too," Mom tells Robbie proudly, winking at me.

"I do," Robbie confirms with a smile. "Who's your favorite superhero, Lucy?"

I grin a little, feeling braver now. "Wonder Woman!"

Robbie laughs, and Mom joins in. "That's a great choice," Robbie says, his eyes sparkling. "She's strong and brave, just like you."

Throughout lunch, Robbie tells us funny stories about his job and travels. Mom shares some of her acting adventures too, making me giggle. I start to see why Mom likes him so much—he's funny and nice, and he listens when I talk.

After we finish eating, Mom suggests we take a walk in the park nearby. Robbie holds my hand this time, and we chat about everything and nothing. I feel like I've known him for a long time.


As we say goodbye to Robbie later that day, I feel happy and content. Mom squeezes my hand and smiles at me.

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