Breaking love

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Yn and friends made a band on his way home he sees clothes on the floor as he walk up the stairs and here's moans as he goes by his mother door it was slightly open as he sees his mother,sister and girlfriend having sex with his bully till they see Yn as the bully leaves Yn was so pissed he went to his room and locked the door and started making new music

The next day Yn let out all his anger at his mother,sister,girlfriend


Yn:so not only my mother had sex with my bully but my own sister and my now ex girlfriend

M/n:honey you have to understand since you father gone I was alone in a sexual way

Yn:but my bully thought the asshole who's making my life hell because just to see me miserable my own mother betrayed my trust if dad was still alive and saw you did that to him he would divorce you and leave you with nothing

Yn looks at his sister

Yn:my own sister I thought you were a sweet angel to my eyes but after seeing that I'm disgusted by your betrayal dad would be disappointed in you

S/n just cries

Yn then looks at his ex girlfriend

Yn:gf/n out of all the people you have sex with the that bully that makes my life hell how long this been going on

Gf/n stays quiet


Gf/n:a month

Yn:so all the times I kiss you on the cheek or lips you've been oh my god

Yn runs towards the sink and throws up

Yn:we were friends at first then crushes and finally lovers while I take you to nice places you been using me as a wallet while you fucked by man who doesn't care about you emotionally only cares to hurt me and cares for all of you three body he's a fucking player and have sex with females with a nice body if you didn't love me anymore then why still date me

Gf/n:I've betrayed your trust I've felt bad so I kept dating you but I was also craving for your bully as well

Yn:so petty love them

Gf/n nods

Yn:okay here's what going to happen you three can be with him all you want but when you realize that he's just using your body's for fun till he find a women that has better bodies than all of you three combine all of you when you realize you three fucked  you know we're will I'll be with my band and making money and music while you three are pregnant with my bully kids and how all of you miss me and wish to come back I won't be with you three bring this upon yourselves

Yn gets his stuff and was about to leave the house
Yn looks at his mom and sister one more time

Yn:dad would be disappointed in you to if he was alive

Yn leaves as the three women cry

A year later Yn and his band been going to concerts all over the world and getting fans while going on tour around the world Yn sometimes think what if his mom,sister and girlfriend didn't betray him only what ifs that's it

Yn and his band

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