Iron possible

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Yn the older brother of the possible family as Yn got his dad intelligence as Yn in a different country testing out his tech to help his dad space craft till it was Yn and soldiers he was with got attack by terrorist the soldier were all died and Yn tries to escape but a rocket was near him and exploded near him as Yn got shrapnel in his chest and was taken hostage by the terrorist

As he was forced to make the missiles but it was trick to get him out of here as he made an arc reactor to keep the shrapnel away from his heart

Then after making the miniature arc reactor Yn then make armor to escape the the terrorist

After escaping Yn was found by the USA as he returned home with his family and glad to be home but Yn thought he can do more good as he makes a better version of the armor with his dad help since his sister is a hero Yn wanted to be hero as well as Yn called himself iron man

Ship Yn x Monique

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