Ron done

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After stopping drakken from taking over the world as Kim and Ron returned to prom as they finally kiss thinking Ron actually has a girlfriend that is Kim possible next day at Middleton high as ron was about to kiss Kim but she stops him and Ron asked why didn't she want to kiss him so she tells the truth that she thought she kissed Ron at the prom but she thought of kissing Eric that shocks Ron to the core all his emotions just of love just break into piece but his anger grew


Ron:so I just wasted all that time how I was going to confess to you even though you were with that fake guy that was shinthro drone even though it would end our friendship please tell me Kim what makes me so different from all the dude you think is are cute and dateable while I'm just alone with no girlfriend or at least a date so team Kim why am I different from the other guys

Kim:...I don't know

Ron:oh you do know you just don't want to say it it's because I'm unpopular I'm not like the jocks or popular guys I'm my own man Kim when you realize those jocks and popular guys are just going to cheat on you with another women don't be crying to me when it happens

Kim:fine Ron I'll say it because your not popular okay you can't get a girlfriend because your not popular the girls here do like you that way even if they did date you it just be out of pity


Kim realized what she said to ron

Kim:ron wait I'm sorry I didn't me to

Ron: I should've let drakken ruled the world and get your heart broken by the fake boyfriend even we didn't know he was evil

Kim eyes widen when ron said that

Ron:this friendship is over go Kim I'm not helping you with mission anymore you can have the family and glory while I'll just enjoy my life with my only friend ruffes who's been there for me when I need it

Ron opens his locker and rips off a picture of Ron and Kim as Ron throws it in the trash ron then gets his books and shuts his locker

Ron:go with your popular people while I be enjoying my life without you

Ron goes to his class as Kim just tears up from losing her friendship

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