Ken tenyyson no more

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After being grounded by his parents Ben and kai and was not allowed to use the omnitrix so ken ignores his parents and doesn't follow there rule like chores etc so after ken shouting at them he disowned himself and joined the plumers as ignores his calls from his ex parents ken didn't want to be near them or hear from like they don't exist to him


Ken was reading a book till kai enters the room with snacks

Kai:I brought you snacks

Ken keeps reading his book

Kai:still ignoring me huh

Ken ignores her

Kai sigh

As she leaves ken room and looked at Ben and shacked her head meaning no

Ben sigh

Ben:he hates us

Kai:for taking the omnitrix away from him

Ben:take away the one thing that makes him happy

Kai:what do you want me to do if we give it back to him now he won't learn anything or listen to orders

Ken opens the door as Ben and kai see ken but down the plate of snacks kai brought on the ground like the plate wasn't touched or snacks weren't eaten

Ben:wow just wow

Kai:okay if he won't eat the food might as well make him join the plumers

Ben:isn't a little extreme

Kai:he won't listen to he acts like we don't exist to him so might as well take him there

Ken door opens again as they see Ken with a duffel bag

Ken:when can I leave and not see both of you again

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