Reincarnated arc hero

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Cardin revealed Jaune transcript as Jaune was beaten up by the beacon students as he lost his friends while phyrra kissed Cardin right in front of him then he was disowned by his family and forced to be expelled by ozpin even though ozpin wanted him to stay because ozpin saw greatness in Jaune so after jaune left as everyone celebrated as Jaune walking in the forest he sees Grimm closing in on him as he fought the Grimm with his bear hands as Jaune defeated them all till one of the Grimm stab Jaune with its claws as he died but was reincarnated into the dc nation world as Jaune becomes hero and joins the justice league side kicks in covert mission jaune still has memories of his past which hopefully something bad happened there which he can't or won't care about since he was betrayed

Jaune hero costume

Jaune hero costume

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Jaune weapon

Jaune mini haremArtemis Zatanna Wonder girl

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Jaune mini harem
Wonder girl

Team Rwby
Team npr - hates phyrra the most
Team crdl -hates Cardin the most
Gylnda - Jaune hates Glynda with a passion
The arc family - hates his father and mother
His ladies hurt

His new team
His nephew Adrian
His harem
Ozpin - been more of a father figure to Jaune

Wonder Woman

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