Neglected multibillioner

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Yn ln was neglected by his family as his siblings were praised and Yn was bullied by the students as he was dumped by the girlfriends as they we're seeing there bullies and siblings so Yn wanted a little luck as Yn went to a store and bought a lottery ticket as Yn watch the lottery on tv as said the same numbers as Yn lottery ticket as Yn one as Yn secretly got the money in suitcase case Yn bought a house for himself and yn promised himself to get more money because of his ideas that will help the world and ruin the life's the people that hated him

Yn money account

Yn account after winning the lottery

Yn hates
His parents
His siblings
Yn bullies
Yn ex girlfriends

Yn likes
His money
Helping people
Giving money to hospitals
His technology
Yn girlfriend
Getting revenge

Yn new girlfriend

Emma frost


Chun li

Black canary

Maria hill




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