Forgotten jedi

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Yn ln a Jedi padawan but he wasn't gifted with the power of the force he couldn't get a kyber Krystal from the gathering as for training Yn trained mentally and physically but it wasn't good enough for the jedi masters and his so called friend ahsoka tano didn't believe he couldn't make it after hearing that Yn got his things and left the jedi order after arriving back to his home planet Yn hid away his jedi equipment and started having a normal life after hearing the jedi were executed Yn wasn't sad about it since he didn't have a master or friends there till the empire arrived empire took hold of it so Yn stopped them and joined the rebels what Yn didn't know that he going to meet an old ex friend

Yn ship

Yn WeaponsBlasterGrenades Emp grenades Light saber (he will get later on)

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Yn Weapons
Emp grenades
Light saber (he will get later on)

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