Abusive hybrid

546 7 2

Yn was abused through his life abused by the rose family abused by the belladonna family abused by the schnee family Yn wanted either to run away or end his life after being used as a training dummy Yn had enough as Yn face and hair changed released his power almost destroying the house with the others in it it was Yn chance to leave so Yn flew away till he landed to a down then went unconscious after waking up as his wounds were treated Yn stayed at the town till he left to join beacon what Yn didn't know his ex family's kids joined beacon as well now Yn get his revenge for all the pain he got in the past

Yn was abused through his life abused by the rose family abused by the belladonna family abused by the schnee family Yn wanted either to run away or end his life after being used as a training dummy Yn had enough as Yn face and hair changed releas...

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Hates Rose family Schnee familyBelladonna family

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Rose family
Schnee family
Belladonna family

Getting stronger

Mini harem

Final kamehameha
Instant transmission
Big bang attack
Revenge death ball
Galic gun
Ki sword
Destructo disk

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