Framed jedi

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Yn was a padawan in the Jedi temple as Yn was requested by the Jedi council as Yn arrives Yn lightsaber was taken away by jedi master yoda and the clones put handcuffs on Yn as Yn was expelled out of the Jedi for giving the separatists information of battle plans and locations but Yn didn't do as the clones take Yn away as the jedi and padawan glare at him and as Yn see Ahsoka as she looks away from him this shocks Yn the clones take Yn to citadel Yn spends most of his life in a prison eating,reading books,meditation,sleeping after the separatists reveals that Yn wasn't the traitor now it made Jedi look bad to the people

As a few Jedi head to the citadel to free Yn as they see Yn changed with a lot of hate the Jedi asked for Yn to return but he refuses he didn't want to be near any Jedi so Yn went back to his home planet to never hear or be near Jedi again as Yn goes on a hunt to take down separatists

Yn lightsaber

Yn lightsaber

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