Chapter 15 : Heartfelt

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They spent the short walk from the clinic's back alley to the cafe in silence, Type contemplating running towards the opposite direction the entire time and dreading the fact that he couldn't.

Well, he could, if he'd really wanted to, but his pride balked at the idea of escaping just because he knew he did something wrong.

Truth be told, he didn't feel particularly like sleeping with Tharn was a mistake, not last night and even after he'd gone home to think it over. But his opinion on the matter obviously differed to the one person who had all the right to be mad over the fact, but he tried not to dwell on it much knowing that there wasn't anything he could do to undo it.

The foreigner did say he just wanted to talk - Type honestly wondered whether this was the universe's way of telling him he was being punished for jumping into bed with someone else's boyfriend the night before - but knowing who the guy was, Type couldn't help but feel as though there was more to the foreigner's invitation to chat than what he supposed it should.

Part of him knew he shouldn't have agreed - whatever happened between him and Tharn the night before was between the two of them, and he had no plans of disclosing anything about it to anyone, least of all to Tharn's boyfriend - but getting ambushed outside of his workplace and being put on the spot with that very surprising invitation shouldn't have been reason enough to say yes, but that sensible part of him was certain there was no way he could have said no either.

And it wasn't about bravery, not really, nor was it about saving face. He said yes because to be honest, he was curious too. To know this person he'd only seen in photos before, to check him out up-close, hear what he had to say. He had a feeling the foreigner shared the same sentiment, otherwise, he wouldn't be here without Tharn, but it was difficult to be completely confident, to not to feel uneasy on top of everything else he supposed he should be feeling, because, how could he not?

Meeting this guy out of blue and then getting an invitation right after? Almost at the same time he'd agreed to Tharn's insistence that they talk? Clearly, something interesting was happening here, and while he had a feeling it might have something to do with him and Tharn taking a trip down memory lane not even a few hours after they saw each other again by fucking each other's brains out, there was also the possibility that this meeting might be about something else entirely.

Still, he had to tough it out, act like he hadn't considered walking away and agree to the other man's invitation to hang out. He had little to no choice at the time, or at least that was what he kept telling himself despite knowing it was the opposite.

Yet he couldn't help but be amused by the fact that both Tharn and his boyfriend wanted the same thing from him - wanting to talk when he only wanted to be left alone, and that he had to say yes to them despite knowing it was the last thing he should have agreed to.

What the hell was wrong with him, really?

Then again, he figured he could regret all the things he agreed to today much later, hoping he wasn't going to mess things further with what he'd just agreed to and half-wondering if he already did.


The cafe was thankfully not that crowded when they got there, and Type mechanically went through the motions of ordering himself a drink and paying for it, as the foreigner did the same. They got their orders minutes later, neither of them felt the need to say anything. Type was grateful for it though as he quietly led the way towards the empty table he spotted at the corner-most part of the cafe right after they got their orders, half-wondering what he'd gotten himself into as he walked the rest of the way there, Tharn's boyfriend quietly following after him.

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