Chapter 18 (Final+Epilogue): Mine

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It was dark by the time they decided to leave the beach side.

Tharn took his hand and led him back to where he'd parked the car - it was Type's family's vehicle by the looks of it - sliding the back door open quietly and guiding him to sit there, Tharn settling next to him afterward.

It was quiet after that, saved from those hungry seagulls screeching overhead. The wind swept through them, the chilly air making him shiver. He didn't even realize Tharn had stood until he was already gone, rounding to the front of the car. He opened his mouth to ask where Tharn was going but the other man was standing right in front of him again before he could, wearing a smile and holding a blanket in his hands.


He looked up and shrugged, meeting Tharn's gaze. He didn't need to tell Tharn that the cold was the least of his concerns, that he was more troubled by the fact that he wanted Tharn's arms around him to make it all better.

That prominent throb in his chest was still there but this time, he knew it was for a completely different reason altogether. His fingers itched to reach out, to touch Tharn's face and tell him all the things he was still having trouble admitting out loud even now, but decided that they had time. He could wait. He turned his gaze to the darkness before them again, wondering and equal-parts hoping they could stay here longer.

And maybe they could. Maybe he could ask Tharn to forget that dinner and just spend the night here. Watch the stars as they talk, or just sit together in silence. He would rather do that than talk about what he'd rather forget, to keep sitting here next to Tharn without saying anything than open his mouth and hurt Tharn all over again.

But he couldn't, could he? He'd promised Tharn they would talk after all, and despite wanting to do the opposite, he knew he owed Tharn this as well.

Without waiting for an answer, Tharn leaned over and placed the fabric over his shoulders, fixing it so his arms were carefully tucked underneath. He didn't bother following the movement and instead fixed his gaze on Tharn's face without hesitation, torn between huffing and pulling Tharn to him so he could kiss him, but doing so would require moving too so despite the need thrumming under his skin, he did his best to stay still.

When Tharn was done, he sat next to him again, closer than he had before, their sides touching, close, but still not close enough. He squirmed without meaning to, missing Tharn's presence even though he was literally sitting there next to him, until his shoulder was bumping against Tharn's own by the action.

Tharn turned to him then, his tone low and imploring. Type wished he could lean into him, feel his warmth under his hands and keep it there. It was the want that made him want to keep his distance. "Still cold?" Tharn asked, which he answered with a slow shake of his head.

"I'm okay." he said.

Tharn nodded. "Hungry?" he asked afterward.

He chuckled under his breath in answer, tickled despite himself. Trust Tharn to ask such mundane but typical questions just to ward off the awkward silence, and for that he was glad.

"No," he said, found himself braving the consequences and turning sideways until he was looking at Tharn, too. "Are you?" he asked, wondering if he might be right.

Tharn shrugged. "Maybe a little," he said, and then Tharn was shaking his head at him too as if saying he shouldn't worry. "You need to tell me if you are, though, okay? Your mom told me dinner will be ready before eight, so it would be nice if we're back by then. I told her I'm going to try my best."

He saw Tharn lifting his left hand and squinting at his wristwatch right after. "It's only six, though." Tharn added, like an afterthought, his mouth quirking just the slightest bit.

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