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An: just to clear this up Eternia is a whole continent and not a world like canon also this take place years before prince Adam was born.

At Eternia.

Here at Eternia is the home to Grayskull and the source of a ultimate power. However at Eternos, the capital of Eternia, a trial is taking place because of say power.

King Miro: "Today we are here for the trail of Y/N keldor for the crimes of attempt theft and being a traitor" he said as both himself, Aultcray, and Union headmasters: Ozpin, Sirzech, Homelander, Danzo, Dogen and Superman (Injustice) are hiding their smugly smiling at Y/N.

King Miro: "Today we are here for the trail of Y/N keldor for the crimes of attempt theft and being a traitor" he said as both himself, Aultcray, and Union headmasters: Ozpin, Sirzech, Homelander, Danzo, Dogen and Superman (Injustice) are hiding t...

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Y/N: "I would never side with the Horde especially since they hasn't been seen for years" he said.

Dogen: "Silence you Half Gar! Besides we have evidence that say otherwise" he said bringing in a photo that show a Horde flag in Y/N chamber causing the court to whispers.

Randor: "That have to be place there to frame him!" He said trying to defend his brother which King Miro frown as the court whisper again.

Danzo: "No one but Y/N was in his chamber the pass week and no evidence of temper took place besides he knows about his mother death and probably wants revenge against humans" he said which the court whisper and half begin to glare at Y/N.

Mirellia: "I disagree as not once have I see any sign of hate besides he have treat the commoner and poor with respect and loyalty" she said trying to defend her friend which the court whisper again and the other half look at Y/N with respect.

King Miro: "Never the less I have decided. From this moment on Y/N Keldor is hereby banished and won't be the heir to the throne" he said shocking Randor, Mirellia, and half of the court while the rest smile.

But out of them all Y/N Keldor is heartbroken and his dream of leading Eternia into peace was ruined.

Y/N: "I hope you rot in oblivion!" He said breaking the chains and was about to leave if it wasn't for Sirzech throwing a ball of destruction and Danzo throwing acid at his face.

Causing the ex prince to scream in pain while horrifying almost everyone except for King Miro, Aultcray, the headmasters and half of the court who smirk then Y/N simply run as he hold his face.

A hour later.

Y/N Pov:

It took a hour but the pain stop however I just continue to run towards the gate and try to leave this accursed kingdom. However out of nowhere a portal open before me but before I could stop I tripped and enter the portal.

On the other side I fell into a pool of water where I see my face or skull.

Me: "This is Miro, Aultcray and Union fault! They attempt to stop me from achieving peace to the kingdom and want Grayskull power for themselves!" I said slamming my hand onto the pool.

???: "Those who abused their authority would become power hungry and greedy for more" a male voice spoke causing me to look up to see a shadowy figure.

Me: "Who in oblivion are you!?" I ask a bit afraid then I simply froze in fear as the shadowy figure reveal it monstrous form.

Me: "Who in oblivion are you!?" I ask a bit afraid then I simply froze in fear as the shadowy figure reveal it monstrous form

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Malevolenternatus: "I am Malevolenternatus" he said then everything went dark.

3rd pov:

Randor: "Did you find him anywhere?" He ask Mirellia who shake her head for no.

Mirellia: "We been searching for a hour Randor he might had leave the capital" she said.

Randor: "Sigh then let return-" he try to say but a explosion far away surprised everyone which they look only to gasp in horror as they see a massive eruption from the Dark Hemisphere.

Mirellia: "Isn't that where the Dark Hemisphere is at?" She ask which Randor nod then an after shock knock their off their feet and knocking everyone out.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until everyone regain consciousness only to gasp as all around the kingdom are destroyed homes and businesses.

Randor: "What cause this" he ask only for a random soldier to rush to him.

Soldier: "Your highness. The king is dead!" He said shocking the two which they run to the castle.

Upon arriving they are shock to see King Miro dead alongside half of the court with both Aultcray and Union Headmasters knock out but had suffer injuries.

However standing in front of King Miro corpse is a elf who's appearance is unlike anything no one have ever seen.

However standing in front of King Miro corpse is a elf who's appearance is unlike anything no one have ever seen

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Randor: "Are you responsible for this chaos and death elf!?" He said.

???: "So what if I did King Randor? After all this is the justice these fools deserve" the elf said.

Mirellia: "You're don't decide who live or die though!" She said.

???: "No I was given the task of executioner by someone who free me in the future" he said surprising them that this elf is from the future.

Randor: "Who!?" He ask which the elf simply smile.

???: "The future Master of the universe" he said then vanish.

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