Ch 4: Power of Grayskull!

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At Eternia.

Prince Adam Pov:

It been two days since Skeletor introduce both himself and his evil group which the public called Evil Warriors.

However I notice that Eldress was horrified by what Skeletor say Havoc but upon our return to Eternia yesterday she rush to the royal library.

Ever since then she hasn't come out of the library once which worries everyone.

Eldress: "Your highnesses I suggest you come here to see this!" She yell surprising pretty much everyone throughout the castle.

So without hesitation everyone rush to the royal library where we see a mess but standing in the center is Eldress holding a old dusty book.

Randor: "... We discussed the library mess later why exactly did you called us here for?" He ask then Eldress show us the book which show a familiar skull staff design.

Teela: "Isn't that the same staff Skeletor was holding?" She ask.

Eldress: "The same but this book tell the story of how King Grayskull become the monster he was fighting" she said surprising us as I remember the story involving the Great War the Castle Grayskull.

Adora: "Wait are you saying that Skeletor staff is the same staff that cause Grayskull to become the villain!" She said which Eldress nod shocking us.

Randor: "If so then how do we stop him before Skeletor set his eyes on Eternia" he said with worried.

Eldress: "The same weapon that Grayskull once used" she said showing us the Sword of Grayskull.

Me: "So we have to go to Grayskull and grab the sword of Grayskull" I said basically summarize the plan.

Eldress: "Not quite. See the sword was divided into two swords after the great war ended. The one at Grayskull is called Sword of Power and the other, the Sword of protection, is on a world called Etheria" she said shocking us.

Adora: "how did the Sword of Protection went to another world?" She ask.

Eldress: "the first sorceress or sorcerer of Grayskull ask a portal master to sent the Sword of Protection to Etheria but as you're aware there no long any portal masters" she said.

Me: "Would the Sword of power still work?" I ask which she nod.

Eldress: "Yes but not at full power" she said which I thought then make a serious face.

Me: "I'll go to Grayskull and use to Sword of Power to defend Eternia from the Evil Warriors" I said probably surprising everyone.

Marlena: "Son you're only sixteen! You can't simply be the hero of Eternia!" She said.

Me: "I won't be the only one as I'll share the power with Cringer, Teela, and Krass" he said.

Randor: "... Duncan I believe with your help Adam and his friends stand a chance against Skeletor" he said surprising everyone.

Duncan: "If it alright with both of you" he said looking at his wife and Marlena knowing that wifes have the last word.

Both: "... We agree" they both said but glare at their husbands that say you're sleeping on the couch.

Adora: "oh why don't I and my girlfriend help by trying to search for a way to the sword of protection?" She said surprising them which they thought then agree.

Thus the search for the Swords of Grayskull begin.

3rd pov:

Meanwhile at Dark Hemisphere.

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