Ch 13: Destruction of the Justice Lords

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Watch Tower.

Inside the Watchtower is Superman, Wonder woman, Green Lantern Hal, Jonn, Hawkgirl and Cyborg.

Superman: "The Evil warriors must be stopped permanently otherwise what we achieve will all be destroyed" he said.

Wonder woman: "I agree especially Skeletor who havoc powers is a threat plus the fact he gains power over dark magic and technology means he is a bigger threat" she said.

???: "I might be a threat but only to you and Union" a male voice spoke causing everyone to look around in alarm.

Hal: "Show yourself Skeletor!" He said then to everyone surprised they see Skeletor digitalize himself out of the computers and appear before the Justice Lords.

Skeletor: "Tsk tsk. Always impatient just like your ex says when she joins my side" he said which Hal growls then summons a green mini gun which he shoot at Skeletor.

But to everyone surprised Skeletor is tanking the shots which Hal stop and was about to attack only to scream as his arm was slice off.

Hawkgirl: "You gonna suffer" she said charging at him and swinging her mace only for it to be destroyed upon the impact of Skeletor body

Skeletor: "You can beat infusions of magic and technology" he said then grab Hawkgirl by the neck then snap her neck killing her.

Superman: "Enough! You will pay for attacking us!" He said then fly at Skeletor who smirks before using magic to slice Superman thus killing him.

Wonder Woman: "No! You will regret killing my beloved!" She said then both herself and the remaining Justice Lords leave as they actively the self destruction.

However once gone Skeletor easily stops the self destruction then he uses his dark magic and technology fusion to turn the Watch Tower into a space fortress.

Then he create an AI android which he called Motherboard.

Motherboard: "Greetings Master Skeletor what do you desire" she said

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Motherboard: "Greetings Master Skeletor what do you desire" she said.

Skeletor: "Protect the Snake Fortress and report in case any threats come to the planet" he said which Motherboard bow then Skeletor returned to earth through digitalization.

Snake Mountain.

Once Skeletor returns to Snake Mountain he looks through a mirror to see the remaining Justice Lord heading towards the Hall of Justice.

Only to find it in ruins and a flag of the Evil warriors is all that remains which Wonder Woman screams into the sky.

Skeletor: "Good. You feel pain and suffering like I felt" he said.

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