Ch 8: Kouh Destruction

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At Melromarc.

It been five days since the kingdom of Melromarc was attack, the church was destroyed and lost Ren the sword hero.

Because of this the Queen return to her kingdom early and managed to calm everyone down then a trial was hold for both the king and Malty where she put slave marks on them.

It was reveal that the King and Malty was with the Church to destroy the shield devil but wasn't aware of the church plans.

Then it was reveal that Malty was jealous of her little sister being the future queen and not her. That wasn't all as Malty plot to frame the shield hero for r*pe which clear Naofumi crime.

It also came to the queen attention that the king was foolishly to bring the heroes here instead of the kingdoms they were supposed to go.

With these crimes she strip both Malty and king status of royalty then give them nicknames: B_tch and _sshole which shock everyone.

Thus the trial end and Naofumi won't have to suffer anymore plus the church destruction clear people eyes.

At Snake mountain.

During these five days Ren have been training which he mange to unlock and master both greed and gluttony curse series.

Sure he's a traitor with a bounty on his head but at least he doing much better then he was before with his party.

However Skeletor on the other hand received a letter from Riser himself who beg him to destroy Kuoh for the humiliation he suffers from the pervert lizard.

Skeletor: "mm doing this will gain the phoenix family favor and ten years worth supply of phoenix tears" he said.

Shadow Weaver: "Plus if we mix those with the phoenix feathers that the phoenix we have tame. We can have pure healing potions that will heal all injures even reviving the dead" she said as Evilyn is looking at a book.

Evilyn: "she is right as the combination of both phoenix tears and feathers will have quite the powerful effect but why the phoenix clan hasn't figured this out is beyond me" she said.

Skeletor: "Because they don't have pure blooded phoenix and familiars doesn't count" he said remembering the stories his mother told him before she die.

Shadow Weaver: "Make sense. Now should we accept Riser deal?" She ask.

Skeletor: "Considering that Riser might keep his end of the deal I say we do it. Besides this could increase our reputation" he said then see Justine entering the room.

 Besides this could increase our reputation" he said then see Justine entering the room

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Justine: "So what the plan today boss?" She ask a bit excited.

Skeletor: "Prepared our forces for Kuoh destruction" he said which she salute then leave.

At Kuoh.

Everything is quiet and peaceful at the town of Kuoh when out of nowhere multiple Evil Warriors appear and begin attacking the town.

Watching all the destruction is Skeletor himself who smile at the chaos until he frown when he see Sona and Rias alongside their peerages appear.

Both his forces and the two devil peerages fight each other with either side winning or losing thus Skeletor unleash Havoc.

Thanks to his power of havoc he managed to weakened the devil's that they were force to retreat while his forces waste the town.

A few minutes later.

It wasn't long until Skeletor and his forces return to Snake Mountain only to discover that Ravel is there surprising the Evil Warriors.

It wasn't long until Skeletor and his forces return to Snake Mountain only to discover that Ravel is there surprising the Evil Warriors

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Ravel: "I am here to supply you with Phoenix tears" she said surprising them that she was their supplier.

Skeletor: "How in oblivion did you discover our location" he ask which Ravel reveal her familiar.

Ravel: "My familiar easily found you and unlike my foolish brother I was the one who wrote the letter" she said surprising them that it was Ravel who ask them for Kuoh destruction.

Shadow Weaver: "... Let me guess you want payback from the perverted lizard?" She ask which Ravel nod with her eyes full of hate and anger.

Ravel: "Let just say he done something that p_ssed me off thus I decided to take matters into my own hands" she said as her voice is full of venom.

Evilyn: "I like her" she said smiling sinisterly and happy.

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