Ch 12: New Improvement!

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At Snake Mountain.

It been a few days since the attack on the second festival.

However at Snake Mountain Skeletor, Kassandra, and Evilyn is enjoying tea when they all stop and look as a fourth chair appears and seating on it is Malevolenternatus who look more powerful than ever.

Skeletor: "So what I heard was true. You went through a change by merging small amount of other versions of yourself. But was resting for months because of your body getting use to the merge" he said which Malevolenternatus chuckle.

Malevolenternatus: "Indeed but I'm back and I'm more focus then ever before. However I also learned a lot and I want to offer you a chance to become much more" he said which Skeletor look at him.

Skeletor: "And what would this chance be?" He said that Malevolenternatus opened his hand and a mystery technology glowing orb appears.

Malevolenternatus: "becoming a hybrid god of technology and magic" he said surprising the three.

Evilyn: "I thought technology doesn't mix well with magic of the universe" she said which Malevolenternatus chuckle.

Malevolenternatus: "True but this is unlike anything you see. Now what do you say Y/N? Want to become a hybrid god?" He said which Skeletor thought then grin.

Skeletor: "I don't see why not" he said grabbing the orb which merge into his hand then he screamed as he begin to glow purple.

A few days later.

Currently at Union everyone is busy when suddenly the academy shakes which they rushed outside only to see strange troopers.

Currently at Union everyone is busy when suddenly the academy shakes which they rushed outside only to see strange troopers

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But they gasps as they sees Skeletor who looks completely different.

Skeletor: "Like the new look Union? This is the combination of dark universal magic and technology!" He said then summon a floating cannon which blast the dorms into dust

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Skeletor: "Like the new look Union? This is the combination of dark universal magic and technology!" He said then summon a floating cannon which blast the dorms into dust.

Perverts: "Our mags!" Many perverts said crying then Skeletor and the troopers vanish.

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