Ch 6: The Mines & Upgrade!

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At Nicholas Mine.

Skeletor Pov:

Currently both myself and Cinder group are at the oldest mine at the kingdom of Atlas which was the same mine my oldest friend Nicholas Schnee owned.

However I growl at how Jacques completely drained this mine of the dust and most of the ores but what makes me angry at how he disrespected my old friend by trying to blow this mine up yet failed after the death glare Willow gave him.

Cinder: "Why exactly are we here? This mine served no purpose to us" she said only to flinched when I glare at her.

Me: "There more to this mine then that useless dust" I said as I walk up to a sealed off section of the mine then I blast the barricade but instead of collapse brightness came from the mine surprising Cinder and her group.

Roman: "how the f_cked did your friend Nicholas hide this whole section hidden!" he said as we see a whole section of dust and ores.

Me: "Before his death I convinced him to hide this section as these dust and ores would cause war but more importantly this" I said using my magic to reveal special ore Kirbinite which is the same ore that the Sword of Grayskull was made from.

Emerald: "Wait are these ores and dust rare rank minerals!?" She said touching a golden dust crystal

Me: "That I won't touch that as that gold dust is expensive" I said shocking Roman who drool at the amount these dust would he worth.

Neo: "So what special about that ore?" She said through sign language as she point to the ore I'm looking at.

Me: "This is Kirbinite and once smelted down can be used to upgrade our weapons to harness the cosmic itself and thankfully there plenty here for us all" I said shocking everyone at how powerful this ore is.

Cinder: "So what are we waiting for let mine!" She said only for me to wack her head with my staff.

Me: "You need experts to mine theses and thankfully I know who to help" I said then pull out a device that Malevolenternatus gave me and I called in one of the evil versions of me.

Uni-tron: "Uni-tron speaking" the leader of the Decepticons said.

Me: "Yeah it me Y/N Keldor aka Skeletor. I'm calling in to ask if you can send in some cybertronian miner experts to mine some rare ores at my location" I said.

Uni-tron: "Why exactly would I send miners to your world?" He ask.

Me: "Because I detected a Energon source here so I figured you might be interested in having them as we have no used for them" I said knowing how Cybertronians need that.

Uni-tron: "Good reason I'm sending them now" he said then out of nowhere a portal open and exiting it are several miners that begin to mine the resources as I smile sinisterly.

Five hours later.

It took hours but we got all the rare ores and dusts from the mine while the Decepticons got their Energon.

Then both myself, Cinder and her group alongside our resources return to Snake Mountain where both myself and Trap Jaw work on upgrading our weapons.

A week later.

It took a week but we successfully upgraded our weapons and have some left over Kirbinite which I smile at how beautiful it look.

Me: "Simply marvelous" I said smiling sinisterly then I look at my Havoc Staff which begin glowing with Purple/Green and evil energy

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Me: "Simply marvelous" I said smiling sinisterly then I look at my Havoc Staff which begin glowing with Purple/Green and evil energy.

Salem: "I'll admit that this upgrade is simply divine" she said looking at her new magic ring which pulsing with small amount of both darkness and havoc.

Cinder: "I can't believe I'm saying this but Dust is nothing compared to this" she said looking at her new bow which shine like the cosmic.

Me: "I did say that dust is useless" I said then see her pull her string then a arrow appear then she fire it into the sky causing a mini explosion that shake Snake Mountain.

Everyone: "Agree" they said a bit godsmack at how powerful Kirbinite is.

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