Ch 3: Return

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At Remnant City, home to Union academy.

This academy was once the allies of Eternia but since the death of Miro their reputation throughout the continent Eternia were destroyed.

However today is the anniversary of Miro death so the King Randor, Queen Marlena, their son Prince Adam, his feline companion Cringer, their daughter Adora and her horse companion: Swift Wind head to see the academy.

However today is the anniversary of Miro death so the King Randor, Queen Marlena, their son Prince Adam, his feline companion Cringer, their daughter Adora and her horse companion: Swift Wind head to see the academy

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With them are:
Man-At-Arms Duncan, his wife Eldress Na and their daughter Teela who is both the captain and the roybal children guard.

The royal sorcerer Oracle Orko, Prince adam best friend Krass and Adora girlfriend Catra.

Randor: "Are you sure it was wise to leave Grayskull unprotected Eldress?" He ask the sorceress with worried.

Eldress: "Union doesn't know the location and can't reach there" she said then Prince Adam looked at his father.

Prince Adam: "Father are you sure we should visit Union especially since we are no longer their allies?" He ask a bit worried.

Randor: "Union honor your grandfather death so we have to respect him too despite his unfairness" he said remembering the unfair trial.

Upon arriving they see a festival going on which they remember that today is also the Vytal Sports Festival.

Duncan: "... Sir permission to swear" he said with his eye twitch a bit.

Randor: "Permission granted" he said trying not to lose his cool.

Then Duncan swear like no tomorrow while parents cover their children ears.

Meanwhile far from the city.

Looking through a magic mirror to spy on the festival is Skeletor himself who is trying not lose his cool while Trap Jaw is swearing too.

Evilyn: "I can't believe they would honor your bast_rd of a father death" she said a bit enrage.

Skeletor: "Miro was allies and close friends to Union Headmasters. So course they honor his death but why are they celebrating his death on this festival" he said.

Shadow Weaver: "Vytal Sports Festival only happens six months to show everyone that they shouldn't be afraid" she said.

Trap Jaw: "I say we crush their festivities" he said pounding his hands together which Skeletor smirk

Skeletor: "Which exactly what we do" he said then jump onto Panthor.

A few minutes later, Back at Remnant City.

Currently almost everyone is having fun, except for the Eternia vistors who are glaring at the Headmasters as they was about to give a speech.

Only for a roar to surprise everyone as they look to see a multiple new creatures and villains appear causing fear among the civilians.

However the same roar caught everyone attention as it reveal to be a Dylinx and a mysterious rider on the Dylinx.

All Might: "Identity yourself villain!" He said glaring at the mysterious rider.

Skeletor: "I am Skeletor leader of the Evil Warriors and the one who have conquer your enemies the League of darkness" he said then snap his fingers causing Salem to appear shocking everyone from Union that he's telling the truth.

Salem: "He also the strongest villain as he had killed AFO, General Zod, Pain, and Rizevim" she said horrifying Union at the fact four strongest villains had been slaughter.

Issei: "Ha then you will be easy to beat!" He said then unleash a dragon shot only for everyone to be shock as his Sacred Gear was cancelled.

Sirzech: "he have Rizevim Sacred Gear canceller!" He said shocked that this cloaked villain have stolen a pure blooded demonic power.

Bakugo: "Ha this called in for the future number one hero!" He said then used his quirk only for Skeletor to use Hypertrophy to block the explosion.

This quirk was easily recognized as All might know the user.

All Might: "He have use one of AFO quirk!" He said shocked that Skeletor stolen his dead nemesis quirk.

Sasuke: "This will be easy for an elite uchiha" he said and use Chidori but to everyone, from Union, shock Skeletor eyes become the Rinnegan then he managed to cancel Sasuke Chidori.

Kakashi: "He have Pain Rinnegan" he said completely horrified at the fact a none shinobi is able to use the Rinnegan.

Super boy: "It time to end this foolishness" he said and try to use his heat vision but to everyone shock Skeletor use a familiar heat vision that counter Super boy own heat vision.

Superman: "General Zod heat vision!" He said completely godsmack at the fact a none Kryptonian, except for Homelander, is able to use heat vision.

Skeletor: "As you can see I have powers of the four villains I killed with Havoc" he said then aim his staff at a civilian and unleash a purple/green beam that transform that civilian into a skelcon.

Skeletor: "As you can see I have powers of the four villains I killed with Havoc" he said then aim his staff at a civilian and unleash a purple/green beam that transform that civilian into a skelcon

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This completely cause the civilians to run in fear only for new grimms/nomu hybrid to appear.

Homelander: "I'll end this!" He said dashing at Skeletor to killed him but a barrier block his attack however a gust of winds managed to blow Skeletor hood off.

Everyone is completely godsmack as Skeletor skull is show to everyone.

Skeletor: "Where did you think I got the name Skeletor from?" He said smiling sinisterly then punch Homelander cracking the 'hero' bones and knocking him out.

This completely mind-blow everyone mind as Union second strongest hero was knock out easily.

Random civilian: "Run for your lives!" A random civilian said then the civilians run away as Skeletor laugh then vanish alongside his evil and completely new forces.

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