Ch 10: Haven Take Over!

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At Snake Mountain.

It been a day since Skeletor and the Evil Warriors conquer the Yakuza and save Eri.

That wasn't all as apparently they were on the news which record Skeletor speech which slow cause civilians to doubt Union.

However at Snake Mountain Skeletor sitting on his throne smiling at how cheerful Eri is especially her new appearance which she loves.

However at Snake Mountain Skeletor sitting on his throne smiling at how cheerful Eri is especially her new appearance which she loves

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Suddenly Cinder enter the throne room with a frown which caught Skeletor attention.

Skeletor: "Why exactly are you frowning?" he said which Cinder explained how Lionheart usefulness ran out but apparently he is double cross and have Atlas military guarding him.

Cinder: "What worst is that the relic of Knowledge is guarded by Atlas robots" she said which Skeletor grin as he look at his staff.

Skeletor: "I haven't test this out on robots yet so let go to Haven and take it over" he said.

At Haven Academy.

Currently the academy is protected by Atlas military and things were quiet when out of nowhere the Evil Warrior attack.

While chaos was happening Lionheart try to get to the vault when he was block by Skeletor, Cinder, Evilyn and Shadow Weaver.

Lionheart: "Please let me leave and I never bother anyone ever again!" He said only for Skeletor to look at the ladies.

Skeletor: "Torture him as you ladies want. I have a lady to talk to" he said then to Lionheart shock Skeletor use Havoc to open the vault then walk on inside.

Lionheart: "No! Wait have mercy!" He said then scream as he was torture by the ladies.

Meanwhile inside the vault.

Upon entry Skeletor notice that he's in an illusion which he break easily then walk up to the lamp but when he touch the lamp his staff unleash havoc onto the lamp.

A female gasp surprised him which he look only to blush as standing in front of him is Jinn but she's naked.

Jinn: "I'm human but how!" She said then look at Skeletor who is holding an cape which she immediately realizes that she naked.

Skeletor: "Put this on Jinn" he said which she did thus covering her body.

Jinn: "Who are you?" She said which Skeletor introduce himself but when he did she ask and look at him with stars coming out of her eyes.

Skeletor: "Um are you okay?" He ask which Jinn nod then look at him with a smile.

Jinn: "I can't believe I'm free from the lamp" she said which Skeletor was confused until she explained which surprised him that a god would foolishly created relics then gave them to humanity.

Skeletor: "Well he's a fool. Anyway lets go as I have a feeling the ladies are finish punishing the coward" he said then the two exits the vault.

It wasn't long until Haven is conquer and turn into an impressive fortress.

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