Ch 7: Attack on Melromarc.

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At Melromarc.

Y/N Pov:

It been a week since both myself and my group got the Kirbinite upgrade. However currently we are at the mountains that oversee the whole kingdom of Melromarc.

Me: "They supposed to be the Spear, Bow, and Sword heroes? They're fools: The only hero is that Shield hero" I said looking through a mirror on the current Four cardinal heroes.

Evilyn: "I have to agree but those three are from Union while the shield is a random civilian that was chosen" she said.

Shadow Weaver: "Wouldn't your friend Mirellia try to stop this?" She ask which I sigh.

Me: "She is busy dealing with the mess her 'husband' cause by bringing the heroes here instead of the other kingdoms that needs them" I said.

Salem: "So why exactly are we here?" She ask a bit confused as these kingdoms have already dealing with a threat: the waves of calamity.

Me: "Simple. We're gonna interrupt the so called battle between the spear and shield hero to determine the fate of raphtalia" I said smiling sinisterly.

3rd Pov.

At the stadium.

The battle between the Spear and Shield has reach it climax but it seems that it in Naofumi favorite when wind magic was cast.

However out of nowhere a monster block the attack surprising everyone including the king and malty.

King Aultcray: "What is the meaning of this!?" He said then out of nowhere Skeletor and his group appear shocking everyone.

Skeletor: "Why to stop this nonsense" he said then Shadow Weaver free Raphtalia who rush to Naofumi.

Motoyasu: "Nonsense!? I'm freeing that innocent enslaved woman from the devil shield!" He said only to get blasted by Evilyn.

Skeletor: "Fool, slavery is legal in this kingdom. Didn't you know that unless the king change the law" he said causing everyone to whispers while the king pale slightly at this turn of events.

Malty: "Why would you interfere with this battle villain!" She said as she and a few healers heal Motoyasu.

Skeletor: "Oh really princess. You calling me a villain is so old news. Including the fact this battle was  rigged" he said shocking the heroes, except for Aultcray and Malty as they sweat while Motoyasu is confused.

Motoyasu: "The heck you're talking about! the Shield devil try to cheat!" He said only to get blasted by Evilyn again thus the healers once again try to heal him.

Shadow Weaver: "Oh? Then attacking someone who can't attack is fair?" She said causing everyone to whispers again.

Ren Amaki: "they're right as the king pay for everyone to remain silent of the Malty using magic" he said shocking the King, Malty, and Motoyasu.

Itsuki: "it true but even I admit that trying to attack an unarmed man is unfair" he said only to flinch by Skeletor glare.

Skeletor: "You heroes aren't better as you bow hero think your the hero of the game with a overzealous justice or fanaticism while the sword hero is a fool that desire to grow stronger. And this _sshole is a fake that doesn't understand what it means to be a hero" he said which both Itsuki and Motoyasu glare at him while Ren thought about what he say.

King Aultcray: "Doesn't matter as you villains will be arrested for attacking a cardinal hero and interfering with a fight" he said only for a explosion from the church caught everyone attention.

Skeletor: "Ah it seem my allies have successfully destroyed the church" he said horrifying almost everyone.

Naofumi: "Why? The church hasn't done anything to you" he ask a bit confused until a woman called Justine appear holding a familiar weapon.

Justine: "It seems you were right lord Skeletor. The church had the Legendary Weapons Replica" she said giving the replica to Skeletor who infused it to his staff shocking everyone.

Skeletor: "Now let see what this can do" he said then unleash a lightning storm of havoc causing the civilians to panic.

Motoyasu: "How is that possible?!" He said a bit horrified that Skeletor have fused multiple spells and abilities into the storm.

Skeletor: "Hahahahahaha see! This is what the power of Havoc mixed with legendary weapons can do! Now then let see how well you do b_tch" he said then unleash a lightning bolt at Malty who scream in pain.

King Aultcray: "Daughter!" He said trying to stop this but out of nowhere Tri-Klops attack him.

Tri-Klops: "This is payback you _sshole!" He said then slice off King Aultcray manhood causing every man to winced.

Aultcray: "You!? But I stab you in the eyes!" He said trying to hold what remain of his manhood.

Tri-Klops: "Let just say I was save by a powerful entity" he said and was about to killed him when Skeletor fake cough stop him.

Skeletor: "I know you want revenge but now is not the time especially since he have to suffer" he said as he stop his lightning attack while Tri-Klops thought then smirk sinisterly as he return to Skeletor side.

Naofumi: "So what now? After all I pretty sure you got the entire kingdom in chaos" he said as he hold Raphtalia close.

Skeletor: "Simple. Ren Amaki you can remain here or join my side to see the truth of what heroes are like" he said which surprised everyone that he offer the swordsman to join his side.

Ren: "Alright" he said shocking everyone.

Itsuki: "Why would you join the villains!?" He ask.

Ren: "Because he's right about me desire to get stronger plus he's strong enough to beat the League of darkness" he said walking to Skeletor then kneel before him.

Skeletor: "Good choice. Now then let return to Snake Mountain" he said then teleport both himself, his allies, and Ren to Snake Mountain while everyone is godsmack.

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