Message man☁️ (Dadboyhalo and sapnap)

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So have this
Italics = fictional language
Ex 'hi'
Wordcount (1600)
Looking around the space, it felt familler, yet he had no memories of it. Looking at the painting Infront of him, he saw the long haired man next to the beautiful dragon goddess. And felt as if he'd been her before. Touching the girls face the painting moved to the side, revealing a hidden hall way.

Walking down it he found an old beat up desk. On it were books, no diaries. Picking one of them up he realized it was in old neatherian also known as enderian. He flipped thru the pages, barley making out some of the words. He could make out the name on the spine, and that what sighed on ever page 'Darryl' he looked at the page that played on the table, it looked like it had been sitting there forever. This one he could read. It was in middle neatherian.

' I'm sorry, future people of this land I'm sorry. I know the way i act, the fact that i murder is wrong. But they deserve it and for that I will not apologize. I apologize to those who believe they did no wrong, i apologize for your ignorance and i apologize that i can not change you. I am not a villan, but nor do I view myself as a hero. I am simply human, i have values and morals just like anyone else, I'm sorry that there not the same as yours' looking at the page he quickly tossed it in one of the diaries which he put in jacket. He walked out of the hall way and moved the painting back over the hole.

Hearing little footsteps he turned around. Sapnap ran into his dad with a big hug "papa, there you are, they have recipes here" the demon smiled down at his son "why don't you show them to me ember?" The small child took his father's hand. The demon looked at the painting and back down at his son with a soft smile. As he held onto his finger.

When they got to the kitchen the child showed his father all the papers on the counter. "See, this one is for, moon goddess, cupcakes" he showed his father "they look good" the demon smiled patting him on his head "why don't we go he and make them okay ember?" The child nodded and held onto the card as his father picked him up and headed out the door. He closed the door behind him. The demon poked his son's nose, a small giggle escaping the small child. Bad saw a small symbol appear above the baby's head. It was a wing, a dragons wing.

She had been stuck on that island for a while now. She looked down the side, at the void that laid beneath it. Her trusted ender by her side. She put a hand on the dragons side. Her purple eyes looked beside her at the dark women. "Miss, it'll be okay, your egg will be safe" she sighed and sat down. "I know ran"

The demon put the cupcakes into the oven and walked over to sapnap who was playing with a toy car. The demon walked up to him and played with his hair. Spanap looked up at him before continuing to play with his car. "Papa, when will they be done" The demon fluffed his hair up a bit "20 minutes ember" the dad saw to little bumps on the boys head, they were black and kinda pointy. "Hey, baby, do this hurt" he poked them earning a small ow from his son. "A bit" sapnap rubbed his head "just don't touch em okay" the father chuckled and continued to play with his hair "okay ember." There was a knock on the door and the boy got up to go get it.

A blindfolded girl with black wings stood in the doorway with a bag wrapped around her shoulder. Her hair was a Golden and seemed to glow ever so slightly. The boy opened the door and grinned "auntie, papa aunties here" he hugged her and the short god chuckled "hey ember, how you doing" her voice was sweet and calm as she spoke to him. Yet it sounded Ethereal. She wore a green tunic and darker green pants. Sapnap pulled her into the house "we're making cupcakes from a recipe we found" the small boy pulled his aunt to the oven to look " it's a lot of chocolate, but has uuhh, what's it called?" The child decided it wasn't important and turned to his aunt "why'd you come auntie" the golden haired girl smiled and grabbed something from her bag.

It was a necklace that had a little green emerald in it "i got this for you, turn around" the boy turned around lifting his hair so she could wrap it around his neck. He looked at it and smiled "pretty, green" the boy Chuckled and hugged her "thank you auntie" he ran up to his dad who was coming into the kitchen yawning a bit "papa, papa, look what auntie gave me" he held it up so his dad could see the necklace. The demon smiled "it looks amazing ember, hey how about you go pick up your toys okay" the boy nodded and ran off into the living room. The girl grabbed a note from her bag handing it to the demon with a small smile. "Your a smart man" she waved and headed out the door. Leaving the demon in the kitchen, he dicieded it was better to not read the note and put it in his Jacket pocket.

It had been years since his dad's death, and he was going thru his clothes. Makeing sure they were clean, his eyes were an emerald green and his horns stuck out of his fluffy black hair. While folding a jacket he noticed a paper fall out he picked it up opening it.

'Release me from the present
Your obsessing, all these questions
Why I'm in denial
That they tried this suicidal session
Please use discretion
When you're messing with the message man
These words aren't for everyone
Only few understand'

On the back was a book page/number. '[Redacted] cronicals II pg. 18' the dragon boy went into the study and found the book flipping thru the pages he found it.

'Hope you're dead 'cause how could we sleep at a time like this?
People they rhyme like this, we're all impressed by this
They rip it, flip it but these are just triplets
Wrote this in three minutes, three words to a line
It's just poetry divided, I'm the kind of guy
Who takes every moment, he knows he can fight it
And words to use it, for others abuse it
They're dead 'cause how could we sleep at a time like this?
Life is up here but they comment below
When the comments will always become common motives
To promote you choose next episode
So your brain knows to keep going even though hope
Is far from this moment but you would not know it
Gets better when morning finally rears its head
Together we'll lose this, remember the future
Remember that morning is when night is dead'

He flipped on to the next page.

' death is temporary when your a demi god, death is just like a dream, no more like a nightmare. We're your forced to live life, even tho you don't want to. The life is different everytime yet it sucks everytime.death isn't permanent for anyone, but demigods seem to remember it more often then even gods.'

The ending trailed off as if they passed out while writing it. The rest of the book was empty. Sapnap set the book back on the shelf and decided to continue with cleaning the house, yet he couldn't stop thinking about the book, the note all of it was stuck in his mind. He lifted a Box aand out fell a necklace. The emerald green sparkle caught his eye. He quickly put down the box and bent down to pick it up as he did he smiled at it and the faint emerald glow. The silver that encased the gem was pure and seemed to have an engraving. Werid he didn't remember that. He turned it around in his hands trying to read it, of course it was in neatherian. He Finally read it, barely being able to make out the words.

"You will become something greater then you could ever imagine" sapnap sighed before letting out a small chuckle "i love you auntie" he put the necklace around his neck. Not bothering to notice that the necklace grew a bit brighter. He finished up everything and eventually sat down at the couch. He beagna fidgeting with the necklace as he got lost in thought, he was intrupted tho by a door slamming open.

"No I'm just saying, if you find it so fucking hot you shouldn't have come"the zombie piglin said to the spider that was next to him. The spider faned himself with his clothes "why are you yelling, I'm just saying I'm not built for this like you are Micheal" Michael rolled his eyes "hey Uncle sap, you done here?" Sapnap groaned as he stood up "yes i am, come on mich, come on shroud" he said grabbing a bag full of some things "we gotta go" they left and sapnap closed the door behind him "and mich what have I told you about swearing?"

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