Our little secret

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Tumblr: Cissyenthusiast010155
Sometimes, things at the school were just too much. Things were too chaotic. Or there was too much fighting. Or you needed to escape your grading. Whatever the reason, you always went to your sacred place.
The lake around the school was massive, and one day, while traversing the forest, you had found an alcove of it.
It was a lovely, peaceful alcove of the lake in which you could fully relax.
Today, you finally finished grading all the student's midterm exams. It had taken you full on weeks. And you needed a break.
So, when all the students had gone to bed, and the staff were either asleep or cooped up in their offices, you made your way down to the lake with nothing but your clothes and a towel.
You reached your intended destination, unaware of your tail.
You loved this secret spot because of how alone and safe you felt in it. You didn't even need to wear a swimsuit.
You simply stripped off all your clothes and entered the water.
Not catching the gawking eyes as you undressed...
There was a land mass perfectly blocking any view from the school to your little alcove.
You sighed in content, letting your body fully soak in the lakes calm nature.
But you were suddenly interrupted by a dark, distinctive voice.
"I would have never struck you for a skinny-dipper, Professor..." the red head tauntingly purred.
You swiftly turned around with a gasp at having been found out. Your mind was spinning.
How long had she been watching you? What would she think? Would she tell everyone about your little secret??
You suddenly felt extremely exposed. Even though the water was covering your body.
Lesso chuckled at your inability to respond.
"Might I join you?" She purred inquisitively, with dark, fiery eyes.
Your jaw dropped the slightest.
"Um... sure." You stuttered out.
Then, Lesso began to undress.
All the way.
You couldn't stop staring...
"I unfortunately did not bring any swimwear..." Lesso sighed, her tone laced with mischief and dark intentions.
"Oh that's alright, I didn't either." You blubbered out before thinking about what you were actually saying.
Oh Shit.
She wickedly grinned, "I know."
You gulped as your face flushed with redness.
And so Lesso stood in front of you, completely on display...
She then came into the water, and you accidentally let out a whine at the loss of her knee-wobbling sight.
Lesso chuckled at your response.
She came over to you, and you really felt bare now.
"So... what do you do in this little secret place of yours...?" She suggestively asked, her eyes darkly twinkling in the moonlight.
You were dumbstruck and couldn't respond. And Lesso caught onto that...
"Awww, is my little professor at a loss for words...?" She taunted into your ear, her body grazing against yours.
You whimpered at the minimal friction, praying to god for more.
Lesso then slowly pushed you against a tall sand ridge as she continued to whisper into your ear, "I have an idea of what we could do..."
At that, you desperately closed the gap between you and her lips.
Lesso immediately dominated you, tongue fucking your mouth to the point of fucking ecstasy.
You swung your legs around her hips, clinging onto her lips.
"Someone needy, aren't they...?" Lesso taunted you.
You whimpered in response.
"Words, pet. Tell me what you want." She instructed you.
"Fingers..." you panted out, "I want your fingers... in my cunt... please...!"
Lesso hummed in delight and spread your legs to give her enough access.
You moaned in delight and need as Lesso brought her fingers to your soaked folds.
She then slid one digit in your aching pussy and began thrusting at a ruthless pace.
"Is this what you want, pet? To be fucked in your little secret waters?" Lesso jeered into your ear.
You met each of her thrusts with your hips bucking in delight.
"More! God please... more!" You cried out, the experience being so different in the water.
"Such a slut aren't you, pet..." Lesso sneered into your ear as she added a second finger into your throbbing cunt.
You cried out in pleasure as she continued her relentless pace.
"I... I'm..." your words slurred. Lesso was fucking you dumb...
"What's the matter, pet?" Lesso taunted, "Does somebody wanna cum...?"
You desperately nodded and cried out begging "Please! Let me cum...!!"
At that, Lesso plunged a third finger into your cunt, sending you over the edge.
You screamed her name along with many many obscenities as your orgasm hit your like a brick wall.
Lesso moaned at the sight of you coming undone by nearly her fingers.
Her fingers helped your breathing erratic, legs shaking self come down from your high.
After which, Lesso brought her fingers from you cunt and licked them clean, giving you a devilish wink.
"This will be our little secret from now on..." Lesso wickedly purred, pulling you in for another kiss.
A/n: I loveee these kinds of one shots with Lesso. I mean, who doesn't, right?

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