Drunk on you part 1

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Clarissa had decided that a girls' night was needed. She said that she wanted to “unify the girls” of both sides of the school, whatever that meant.
Turns out what that meant was drinking games in the school library after hours.
“Alright! We’re all here, perfect! Now, we can bond as females and not just Ever versus Never teachers!” Clarissa excitedly exclaimed.
Leonora sighed as if she was already over Clarissa’s antics. The groups consisted of Clarissa and Anemone, two female Ever professors, and you and Lady Lesso, two female, never professors.
Soon, everyone was in some stage of tipsy, Clarissa being the most drunk already.
“Can’t hold your alcohol?” Lesso chuckled, sipping her glass of straight vodka.
“Enough of this!” Clarissa exclaimed, “Let’s play… Never have I Ever! Get it, cuz it has the words “Never” and “Ever” in it?” Clarissa desperately and drunkenly laughed at her own joke, but then became very serious about playing.
“Just take a shot if you’ve done what the prompt is. Ok I’ll start.” She began, “Never have I ever… Stolen a book from the library!”
“Really…?” Lesso said unamused as she drained her magically filled shot glass in an instant.
You quickly took your shot, followed by Anemone.
“Anemone, really??” Clarissa exclaimed with surprise, “I mean, I get those guys, but you?”
Anemone nodded with a sly smirk on her face.
“Whatever I guess…” Clarissa shrugged her shoulders, “Your turn, Anemone.”
Anemone had a look on her face which made your stomach churn, she had something up her sleeve you could tell…With that sly smirk she spoke, “Drink if you’ve masturbated to anyone at the table”.
Your heart dropped.
Shit. Fuck.
“No wait Anemone!!” Clarissa drunkenly groaned, “You need to say ‘Never have I Ever’ first!”
Anemone shrugged her shoulders, “Same thing.”
By now, you were blushing. You couldn’t avoid this. They would know you were lying if you didn’t, wouldn’t they?
Regardless, you just took the shot.
And then silence ensued.
For a bout three seconds before Clarissa was bouncing up in down, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!” she squealed, “Who is it?? Now you just have to tell us!!”
You’re face grew even redder…
You couldn’t say… She would never reciprocate… True Love wasn’t possible for Nevers, was it? 
“Uh… I don’t believe, according to the rules, I need to answer that question…” You managed to get out.
“New rules!” Clarissa exclaimed, “You have to tell us! There, there’s a rule now.”
Leonora chuckled as she leaned back and watched the show.
Your face grew hot, and your thoughts instinctually squeezed together. You couldn’t say. You wouldn’t say.
But your drunken mind got the better of you…
“It was Leonora..” You chocked out in a slight whimper.
Leonora’s eyes widened a bit, and her back straightened at your words. Clarissa and Anemone we’re at a loss for words. You had just admitted to touching yourself to the fucking dean of evil…
Lesso leaned in, “How many times?”, she tauntingly played.
You gulped.
“Many…” you whispered.
“What was that?” Lesso raised her voice, torturing you in this humiliating moment.
“At least three times a week…” you clarified, instantly regretting that decision, because now you had admitted to getting off on the idea of your boss on a almost daily occurrence.
Leonora hummed in delight. “Wonderful. But wouldn’t it be even better if it were my fingers inside you instead of yours?” she suggestively toyed with you.
Your breath fled your body. You couldn’t move or think or breath.
“Yes…” you whimpered and almost mewled.
“Well then beg me for it. Beg me for it and I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll see stars and not remember your own name…” she growled, “Beg me and I’ll fuck you dumb…”
You gulped again.
“I think this is our cue to leave…” Anemone said, hurriedly rushing a drunken Clarissa out of the library.
“Fuck please… please fuck me, Leonora…” you begged.
Lesso hummed in delight again.
She came over to you, vodka on her breath and growled into your ear, “My room, 10 minutes.”

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