Anytime soon part 2

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“Hmmmm? Tell Mommy what you want…” Lesso continued her taunts, and she wouldn’t be stopping them anytime soon…
You whimpered in response, causing Lesso to tighten her grip on your throat.
“I won’t ask again, pet. Beg.” she snarled.
“Want you to fuck me…” you whimpered, eyes glazed over with lust and passion.
“Who do you want to fuck you, pet?” She snarled back.
“You, mommy!” You mewled, “Please god mommy, fuck me!”
“You look so good when you beg...” Lesso purred into your ear.
She then let you go and went over to the door. You heard a click of the door locking and watched a hungry, lustful Lesso then make her way to her chair.
“Kneel.” Lesso directed, indicating to her lap.
You gulped and did as you were told.
“Good Girl…” Lesso purred, as she crept her hand up your thigh and up your skirt.
You mewled in anticipation and pleasure.
“Someone’s eager…” Lesso taunted, while slowly removing your knickers.
You needily bucked your hips to meet her hand, “Yes mommy. Please… I need you…” you begged her.
Lesso smirked at your desperate state, as she slipt a finger into your aching cunt.
“So wet for mommy…” she purred, as she thrusted into your soaked pussy.
“Yes… all for you, mommy…” you moaned out in pleasure, rocking your hips to meet her thrusts having placed your hands on Lesso’s shoulders for support.
It was fucking heavenly…
Lesso curled her finger perfectly inside your fluttering walls, making you see stars. The room was filled with moans and cries from your lips. She added a second finger, eliciting more cries of pleasure from your throat.
“I’m… God, Mommy!” you cried out.
“Does my pet wanna cum…?” Lesso tauntingly purred.
You desperately nodded and then cried out, “Yes GOD YES! Please, Mommy…!!”
“Cum on mommy’s fingers, pet.”
Your walls clenched around Lesso’s fingers as your nails tug into her shoulders. Waves of cries left your mouth, the orgasm hitting you so hard you swore you saw stars…
When you had gathered yourself to some degree, you were met with the devilish grin of Leonora Lesso.
“So good for mommy…” she purred, causing you blush furiously.

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