Games with sex pollen part 1

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You were about to do something truly evil…
And Lesso was gonna love it. 
You were the new herbology teacher at the school and had grown quite fond over the school’s dean of evil, Lady Leonora Lesso.
I mean if you call “fond” playing a game of who can catch the other off guard the most and fuck them the hardest…
And you had come up with the your best scheme yet…
Early this morning, you had spiked Lesso’s morning black coffee with some sex pollen that you’d grown.
You were awaiting the results anxiously all day, when after your last class, the redhead came barging into your classroom.
She was sweating and trembling the tiniest bit. The idea of Lesso unraveling in front of you made your mind spin…
“What have you done, pet?” Lesso said with a strain on her voice. She was trying so hard to control herself…
You tried to suppress your smirk with innocence, “Whatever do you mean, my Lady?”
She growled, her eyes filled with dark, lustful intent. “You know exactly what I mean, pet!” Lesso snarled. She barged towards your desk, slamming her hand on your desk to fully get your attention.
You gasped a bit.
“Tell. Me. What. You. Did.” She threateningly commanded through strained teeth.
You couldn’t contain your smirk and giggles anymore, and it made Lesso grimace even more.
She had unbuttoned her jacket, her hands were grasping at your desk with white knuckles, her hair had exploded with frizz, you could see beads of sweat dripping down her forehead…
God was she hot… 
It made you soaking wet…
But the game was to get her unraveled, not you…
“I may have spiked your coffee this morning…” you said in a teasing, playful tone. 
She chuckled darkly and breathlessly let out, “You naughty girl…”
You looked at her with a smirk and mischievous eyes and she meet yours with fiery, lustful eyes of her own.
“How long does this last?” Lesso grunted.
You could tell she was having a real hard time now…
She was squeezing her thighs together, and messing with her clothes as if they were burning her skin.
“With the dose I gave you? A day. Maybe two. It’s very potent…” you grinned, watching her squirm.
“You bitch.” Lesso huffed out under her breath.
“What was that?” you played along with glee.
“I…” Lesso bit back a moan and swallowed her pride, “I can’t last that long...” she groaned.
Your eyes glossed over in lust. This is exactly where you wanted her. Powerless and at your mercy… That was the game after all…
“Well… there is one cure…” you stopped there to await Lesso’s reaction, which hastily followed your words;
“God, what is it?? Tell me what it is, pet!” Lesso yelled through another groan.
Her heart was racing, her breath ragged, her pupils exploded in size. She was a fucking sight…
“You need to be fucked.” you bluntly stated, but a wide smirk was spread across your wicked face.
Leonora Lesso getting fucked sounded absolutely delicious…
She looked straight up at you.
God was her stare intimidating…
Her eyes fillled with desperation and need more and more. She couldn’t take it. She had to give in.
“Get it over with.” Lesso gritted out.
You giggled at her obviously conflicted self.
Lesso growled.
You stopped. Now was your time. Time to show her who was really in charge.
“Strip.” you said.
She looked at you like you were joking. But then Lesso realized you were being serious…
“Oh fuck no, pet” Lesso jeered.
“Then I won’t fuck you.” You said, coming closer to Lesso, but not actually touching her.
Lesso groaned. And grumbled. And then she began to strip. Her vest hit the floor, then her shirt, then her pants… bra too…
Damn, she was such a goddess…
Now in only her underwear, Lesso stood by you still a desperate puddle of heated sex.
The fact made you grin wickedly.
“Lay on the desk.” you instructed.
Surprisingly, Lesso said nothing this time.
You climbed onto the desk after her and grabbed her hands, pining them above her head with your left arm.
Lesso growled in response, but you shut her up by crashing your lips into hers. It was a desperate, sloppy kiss, which you quickly pulled away from, not wanting to lose the game.
Lesso grinned at you for how long she had kept you in that kiss. You retaliated by bringing a finger to her clit. Lesso’s hips bucked up in anticipation and need for friction.
“Oh FUcK!” She groaned, as you teased her clit and dipped into her folds.
They were soaked… 
Just like yours…
You slid your fingers into her soaking cunt and began pumping them in and out of her.
Lesso moaned and mewled like you’d never seen before.
Her at your mercy was fucking stunning…
Lesso was getting close to the edge, her moans got louder, her breathing became more erratic, her hips bucked up to meet your fingers quicker.
And that’s when you pulled your fingers out of her.
“What the fuck?!” Lesso exclaimed, squirming against your hold on you.
You let her hands free and got off the desk. She looked at you like you were dead meat.
You snickered. You came up to her one last time before leaving the classroom and whispered, “you’ll find that only my touch is gonna sate this growing desire in you. No amount of self fucking or quickies with others will help you for the next few days. Good luck…”
You left with a purr and a wink, licking the wetness of Lesso’s heat off of your fingers.

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