Drunk on you part 3

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The next few months we’re wild, to say the least.
Lesso had you whenever she wanted to…
In her classroom…
In the library…
On a fucking balcony…
And you loved it.
And she revelled in the fact that you loved it.
One particular evening, you had gotten a message from Leonora to meet her in the staff lounge.
Your thighs clenched together at the thought of what she was going to do with you…
You walked through the empty corridors, the moon on full display through the windows.
Suddenly, you pushed into an alcove of the corridor by someone behind you.
You struggled and squirmed until the person spoke,
“Relax pet, it’s just me.” Lesso purred into your ear, “I decided to change plans and just fuck you right here in the corridor.”
You gulped, her hold on you being tight and impossible to get out of you.
But again, you didn’t really want to get out of her hold…
“But… what is someone sees?” You whispered.
Leonora chuckled at this, “Well isn’t that the fun of it, pet…”
She snaked her one hand into your trousers and under your soaked panties, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
She had you trapped between the wall and her body.
“Now pet… you’ll have to quiet if you want my fingers inside you…”
“Yes mommy…” you whimpered.
Lesso’s eyes grew and she licked her lips at your words.
She slid her finger into your aching pussy, groaning at how wet you were.
You did your best to contain your whimpers and moans as Lesso fucked you against the corridor walls.
She then added a second finger into the mix, making you cry out in pleasure in how fast her fingers were now pumping in and out of you.
“That’s right pet…” Lesso groaned into your ear, “Take mommy’s fingers like a good little slut… Be a good slut and take mommy’s fingers quietly…”
“Fuck! Mommy…” you cried, “I’m gonna cum…!”
“Oh poor slut, are you gonna cum…?? Are you gonna cum all over mommy’s fingers in the middle of the corridor…?” Lesso jeered, thrusting a third finger into your throbbing cunt.
You cried out again, desperately trying to control your sounds.
“Yes Mommy! Please, let me cum…!!” you begged.
Lesso continued with her brutal pace.
She slithered her other hand around your throat, effectively shutting your moans and mewls up.
You whimpered at this.
“Because you beg so well, slut.” Lesso lustfully spat, “Cum for mommy.”
Her words threw you over the edge, and Lesso had to move her hand from squeezing your neck to covering your mouth, because of the screams of pleasure that we’re rolling off your tongue.
Your legs wobbled and collapsed underneath you, but Leonora was quick to swoop you up in her arms, carrying you bridal style to her private quarters, as you were still dazed from your orgasmic high.
“Your mommy’s now. Forever.” She whispered into your ear. 

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