Games with sex pollen part 2

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It was 2am when Lesso barged into your private quarters.
And she looked absolutely delicious…
Her hair had blown up in proportion… her outfit from earlier was completely unbuttoned and ruffled… her breathing was erratic and shallow… it was a fucking sight…
“God, Leonora it’s 2 fucking AM.” you whined at her disturbance.
But you quickly shut up, seeing how truly desperate she was.
Lesso swiftly straddled you, locking your arms above your head against your will.
“Let. Me. Go.” You hissed.
Lesso darkly chuckled, “No no no, pet. Not until you finish what you started…”
You could hear the strain in her voice, she was about to break…
“Oh! Is that why your here?” You mockingly played along, “Did nothing satisfy that aching cunt of yours?” you purred into Lesso’s ear.
She groaned in response, “Please…”
“I’m sorry, what?” You continued to taint her…
“God, please…!” Lesso groaned louder, tears forming in her eyes.
Your eyes met her desperate, painful, dialated pupils.
Like you said, it was truly evil…
“You’ll have to let me go if want anything from me…”
You swear to god you heard Lesso whimper, as she let you out of her hold.
“Good…” you lightly praised.
You switched positions with her, pining her down onto the bed, earning you another groan plus a desperate hip thrust from Lesso.
You then began to slowly remove her clothes, while marking her skin with your lips as you went along.
You planned on teasing her to fucking hell.
“GOD Y/N! please…!” Lesso cried out, as you had reached her outer left thigh with your teasing.
“What…?” You tauntingly played, “Tell me what you want.”
“I… I want you to fuck me! God, please!!” Lesso mewled, a complete mess underneath you.
You went down to Lesso’s soaked pussy and licked a stripe through her folds, eliciting a cry turning into a moan from Lesso.
But she quickly whimpered and groaned at your retreat from her aching core.
“You want more?”
Lesso desperately nodded, having lost any rational sense. Her mind clouded with need. Her hips bucking up in desperation.
“Then Beg.”
Lesso went silent.
You slowly began to retreat even more from where she needed you most.
“No wait!” Lesso mewled, “Fuck! Please fuck me! God Y/N, I want your tongue inside me so badly! I want my walls to clench around your tongue as you lap up my orgasm, GOD please…!!” Lesso begged.
You hummed in delight, licking through her folds in response.
“OhHHhHh yes, FUCK yes!” Lesso cried out, grasping onto your hair and pushing you further into her aching cunt.
You picked up your pace and began to tongue fuck the shit out of Lesso.
Within minutes, her beautiful walls were clenching around your hungry tongue.
You moaned at the sight of Lesso climaxing. You happily cleaned up every spot of her juices and orgasm.
You looked up to a chest-heaving, post-orgasm, bliss-filled Lesso.
“You fucking win.” She panted, breathlessly.
A grin spread across your cum filled face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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