You'll pay, pet

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You were in another staff meeting. Another boring staff meeting.
And when you got bored, you got into trouble…
This time, you had a devilish idea in the middle of the meeting.
You began by innocently placing your hand on Leonora’s thigh, gently rubbing a circle pattern onto it.
She gave you a quick side eye, but didn’t want anyone to notice something was off, so she continued sitting there without another word.
But then you snuck your hand under her trousers, and you begun making those same circular patterns only lower and lower…
You could see Leonora already trying to control her breathing.
The fact made you squeeze your thighs together in anticipation of the punishment she would have for you after the meeting…
“Y/N…” Lesso gritted out in warning, as you were toying with her knickers.
You looked at her with an innocent face, and then you just pretended to continue to listen to Clarissa’s long ass speech.
Leonora’s face was now turning a light tint of red.
The fact made you lick your lips.
You slowly dragged a finger down to Lesso’s clit, making Leonora’s breath hitch.
“Lesso, is everything alright?” Clarissa said, interrupting your little stunt to your dismay.
Leonora desperately tried to put on her regular dean of evil face, “Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?” she desperately tried to add snark into her words, as you had started to tease her clit when Clarissa was awaiting a response.
Clarissa shrugged and continued her speech.
Your fingers had made it to her soaked entrance, which you were now teasing relentlessly.
“Really? You want to try that?? Go ahead, be my guest. Find out what happens…” Leonora growled through strained teeth, “I swear to god, I’ll have you crying and screaming, tied up as I edge you on for fucking hours…”
You gulped, rethinking your choices for a split-second.
But you couldn’t not… You just had to slip a finger into her delicious pussy.
Lesso tried to swallow the moan from your thrusting into her.
The fact made you have to bite your lip to contain your own moan.
It was just such a fucking sight to see…
And god, when she came…
You didn’t even have to add another finger…
She just unraveled right there in front of you…
In front of everyone…
When Lesso had come down from her high, and you had taken your hand back to yourself, you of course licking her cum off…
Leonora growled under her breath, for only you to hear, “On my bed. Naked. In 10 minutes.”
You gulped and nodded.
“Words whore.”
“Yes mommy…” you whispered, thighs clenched and knickers soaked.

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