(9) Alternate Archipelago?

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(Just realized I screwed the timeline up big time. Going off of canon, Dagur had already left the dragon hunters and bonded with his dragon, Shattermaster who is a gronkle. I'm making the decision now to say, "In my story, Dagur never left the dragon hunters since Viggo saw that Dagur hated Savage. Viggo questioned it and got the answer Savage and the others weren't Dagur's troops, who are still on Berserker island (Savage was from outcast Island, I believe, and was 2nd in command to Alvin). After that Viggo and Ryker helped Dagur get out of some situations with the Outcasts, with Dagur returning the favor by acting extra deranged around Krogen. It worked." And that fixes the problem. Just came up with that off the top of my head. Great work me! Sarcasm, you gotta love it. :) (Me Again, I realized I confuse the past and present tense in this story sometimes, and that I can have a hard time not rambling and going off on details... An example of past tense would be like retelling a story usually in the 3rd person, Ex. He got to the harbor in record time, or before he knew it, he walked up and pushed the bully so hard he fell onto his ass. An example of present tense would be telling the story like it was happening in real-time in the 1st or 3rd person, (Using the same examples as before just in present in both 3rd and 1st) Ex. 3rd: He was going to get to the Harbor in record time, 1st: I was going to get to the Harbor in record time or 3rd: Before he knew it, he was walking up and pushing the bully so hard he fell on his ass. It's a small but noticeable difference, now the question I have for all of you. Do I rewrite the story by me thinking of it like an audible (It helped me in the last bit of this chapter) or do I leave it like it is and have people see the growth of my writing as I try very hard going forward not to make this mistake again? Your choice.)

Hiccup P.O.V

    Everything was hazy, the kind that made you immediately think he slept for a week. The bed was comfortable with a nice wool blanket on top and a good pillow beneath, a light rocking motion tempting him to sleep again. The noise of water gently splashing against a... Rock? Had Hiccup turning over. When the noise didn't stop, he made a groan and slowly opened squinted eyes to see Toothless curled up, obviously sleeping... But there wasn't a stone. His eyes snapped open and his body sprang up to look wildly around and found a bare room save for the bed, bed table, and a small desk in the corner. Hiccup noticed two doors, one in the middle of the front wall and the exit and one in the corner or the left wall. 

    Getting up was a hassle after sleeping for so long, his muscles were sore and his vision went sideways for a minute. 'How long was I out..?' Walking was also a hassle as his aching muscles protested and his legs couldn't seem to balance his body well, having a peg leg didn't help matters. After throwing himself at the handle as his legs shook like a baby yak, he tested the knob,  and the non-existent creak echoed in the room's silence. Pushing the door fully open, Hiccup was disappointed when he saw a bathroom. He was, however, confused about having a space for the toilet, usually meant for the captain or nobles of the ship.

    A brief glance around the room showed there weren't any cabinets, the few openings were too small to do anything with, and the holes for the water were made in dragon-proof steel. Looking back at the bed after the precarious journey to the bathroom makes it seem so far away, and the desk is even farther. Looking inside again Hiccup noticed the toilet was a good enough seat and made his way toward it, it was a much shorter distance than the other options. Five minutes later, he was seated, had his head in his hands, and was still extremely dizzy. 

    "Where even am I?" Hiccup looked out the small window and saw a vast expanse of water, nothing but ocean in sight, not even a rock pillar. "Nowhere I know. How am I ever going to get back?!" He could go west as the Edge is the opposite of the sunset, but he doesn't know if there are any safe stopping points; Toothless may be the fastest but he can't go far.

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