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Leo- 17
Delilah- 15
Twins- 13

(Delilah's POV)
"Everly how many times do I have to tell you to stop using my makeup." I walked back into me and my sisters room after realizing some of my makeup was missing.

"I haven't touched it since the last time you told me."

"Well someone took it because I don't have it, and mom is out of town on a job."

"Why don't you ask EJ, he's been acting weird lately maybe he took it."

I rolled my eyes but regardless I went to go find my little brother to see if he did take it. I went into his room to ask Leo if he'd seen him and last he knew he was in the bathroom.

I knocked on the door which I'm guessing scared him since I heard a clatter of objects.

"Elijah what the hell are you doing in there?"

"N-nothing. What is it?"

"Have you seen my makeup? Some of its missing, my lip gloss, mascara, blush it's gone. And Ev said she didn't take it."

" I-I haven't seen it. Why would I have seen it?"

"Cause Ev says you've been acting weird. Some kind of twin telepathy stuff I dunno. Look I don't care if you have it I just wanna know where it is."

It was quiet for a few seconds before he opened the door, stuck out his arm and handed me my products back. Not letting me see his face.

"I'm sorry."

"Dude it's alright, I don't care if you were using it. Just ask me next time." I told him, my voice softening cause I feel like he was a little embarrassed.


I stood there for a second before I spoke again.
"Would you like some help? Putting some on?"

"You'd do that?"

"Yeah dude it's just makeup. Let me in."

He hesitated but eventually he did before quickly shutting the door back. His face though, was a wreck.

"Oh god, what did you do?"

"I tried to follow a tutorial for beginners."

"Oooookay. Well thankfully this is fixable. Here sit down." He sat up onto the bathroom counter while I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned off his face.

"Okay. So since you are beginner you wanna start very simple. And don't follow tutorials they're for white bitches with different skin textures than yours. First mascara, open your eye and look up and for the love of god do not blink because if this gets in your eye it will hurt like hell."

I carefully applied some mascara to his top and bottom lashes, making sure to get a good layer cause this boy got good ass eyelashes, before getting my blush.

"Okay, now with blush there's many different approaches but again since this is your first time you want it to be very subtle and for that you use powder blush. I usually use cream blush but that's because it lasts longer."

I kept talking as I applied his blush but that's just because I'm autistic and makeup is one of my special interests and I also never know when to shut up.

"..And you always wanna use upward strokes because that brings your face up instead of down and it won't make your face and cheeks look all saggy. And of course you could always do eyebrows, eyeliner, eyeshadow and things like foundation, concealer, bronzer but all that's very advanced, I don't even use half that stuff but it would honestly probably cause major sensory issues and I'm talking way too much, anyways. What do you think?"

I held up a mirror and he smiled at himself in awe.

"I look so beautiful."

"Next time just ask me okay? Or mom. And why didn't you just do this in your room don't you have mirrors in there?"

"I didn't want Leo to say anything."

"Why would he? He used to put makeup on a lot when he was your age."

"It's not just the makeup." He said sadly, placing the mirror down.

"Oh, well do you wanna talk about it?"

"Promise you won't make fun of me?"

"I promise, what's up?"

He sighed as he started to fiddle with his fingers. "Have you ever like...not felt comfortable in your body? And not like in a normal hormonal way but just's not right?"

I didn't wanna say no and make them upset so I simply answered their question with one of my own.

"Have you?"

"I have. Lately."

"How so?"

"I don't like what's happening to my body dude. And like I've told my friends about it and even some of my teachers that I'm close with and everyone keeps saying it's just puberty but it's more than that. I don't want these changes to happen to my body. I don't wanna grow all this hair in all these places, I don't wanna have my voice drop 10 octaves, I don't want an adams apple. I don't want any of this to happen to me." They said, starting to tear up.

"Okay. what would you rather have happen?" I asked, sensing where this was going.

"I...I think I would rather go through...girls puberty. Like you and Everly."


"Mhm. I know it sounds crazy and stupid and weird but I wanna grow boobs, I want my hair to get longer and I want curves and longer nails and my face to round out and I..."

They took a pause and I waited patiently for them to say it.
"Delilah I wanna be a girl. I don't wanna be a boy."

They broke down in front of me and I quickly went to hold them tightly.

"Hey have you talked to anyone else about this?"

"No. I didn't want them to think I was weird. Or some kind of freak."

"Hey you're not weird. Or a freak. You were just...born in the wrong body. And that's no one's fault okay?"

They nodded and I kissed their head and held them close for a few minutes.

"So...what should I call you know?"


"Well I can't keep calling you Elijah anymore, not after this. So what should I call you?"

"Emma. You can call me Emma."

"Well then," I stuck my hand out like a formal hand shake playfully "It's nice to meet you Emma."

She smiled and shook my hand back and I hugged my sister tight.

"Hey listen. If you ever wanna try more makeup you know where to find me. And my closet is always open. I have lots of old dresses and skirts for you if you'd like to have them."

"Thank you."

"Of course. And if you don't want this male puberty to happen I would talk to our moms. They'll understand and maybe we could get you on some puberty and hormone blockers."

"What if they think I'm a freak?"

"Emma have you met our parents? They're gonna love you regardless, I promise."

"Okay. Hey don't tell anyone about this just yet. I'm not ready for everyone to know."

"I won't I promise."


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