Sibling Fight

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Leo- 9

(Billie's pov)

Me and Aleah were downstairs playing with the twins when suddenly we both heard Leo shout from upstairs, and then a door slam.

"Just go away Delilah!"

"You wanna check or should I?" Aleah said.

"I'll go check." I set down Elijah and went upstairs to go see what was happening.

I heard soft crying coming from Delilah's room so I went there first. I gently knocked on the door before pushing it open a little bit.


I saw my daughter on her bed, her knees hugged to her chest as she cried. I went over and sat next to her.

"I didn't mean to do it. Now he hates me."

"Hey no one hates you. Tell me what happened Bee."

Bee is a nickname that we have Delilah when she was 5. Bees were and still are one of her special interests. She wanted a Bee themed backpack, notebook, room everything had to be bee themed.

"We were just playing, but then we got too rough and I fell and I hit his dresser and it fell and it broke and I didn't mean to break it and I tried to say sorry but he started yelling at me."

"What broke sweetie?"

"His blohsh statue that you and mommy made him last year for Christmas."

"Okay, come here love. It's okay."
I pulled her into my arms, letting her cry for a second.

"No one hates you Lilah. I can promise you that. He's just upset cause something that meant a lot to him was broken. It wasn't anyones fault, it just happened. I'll go talk to him alright?" I kissed her head and went off to hear Leo's side of the story.

I knocked on his door and waited for a response.

"Go away."

"Leo it's momma, open up. I just wanna know what happened."

It was a moment of silence before he opened the door, holding his broken blohsh statue with tears running down his face.

"She broke it."

"I heard. You wanna tell me what happened?"
I asked. Even though I had just asked Delilah about the situation it was important to always hear both sides of the story.

"We were playing but then she fell back and hit my dresser. It fell off and broke."

"Okay, well it doesn't sound like she broke it. It sounds like it was just broken. Y'all were playing, it got a little out of hand and it fell. It was just an accident bud, it wasn't anybody's fault."

"Yeah, I guess so." He shrugged, but I could tell he was still upset. I went into his room and closed the door, walking us over to his bed so we could have a small talk.

"It's alright baby, we can fix it, or even make you a new one. Listen, I know you were upset that it broke and that's okay. It's okay to be mad but what's not okay is yelling at the people you love, especially if they weren't the one's at fault. You know your sister takes things different than everyone else so you have to be careful with how you talk around her, okay? Even if you are angry."

"Okay. I'm sorry momma."

"Don't apologize to me, go apologize to your sister okay? She thinks you hate her."

"What?" He put the broken statue into my hands and ran out of the room. I chuckled to myself and went back downstairs, setting it on the counter.

"Everything okay?"

"Yep. But we're gonna need some super glue."

(Leo's pov)

I knocked on my sisters door, waiting for her to answer it. She opened the door a little bit and stood there.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Delilah. It wasn't your fault my statue broke. I don't hate you."

"You don't?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No. I'm upset that my statue broke cause I really loved it but I don't hate you. I'm sorry I made you feel that way."

"It's okay."

I opened my arms out for a hug and she smiled, giving me a hug.

"You wanna play roblox?" I asked her. She said yes and we went downstairs and asked mommy for our iPads and went to the kitchen to play.

We were only allowed to have our iPads for a few hours everyday, most of the time we were playing outside or inside with each other, or watching movies together.

Aleah's pov

"So what happened?" I asked Billie after she sat back down on the floor with me.

"You want the simple answer or the long one?" She asked, picking up Elijah when he crawled over to her.

"Short please."

"Leo and Delilah were playing a bit too rough, she fell into his dresser and his blohsh statue fell and broke. He got mad, yelled at her, she started crying and then I went up and talked to both of them. And now we need super glue."

I shook my head. "I'll just make him another one, no big deal."

"Are you sure? You said that took you weeks to make."

"Well it did, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Oh, Everly honey, don't chew on mommy's shirt please." I gently removed my shirt from my daughter's mouth and set her on the floor in front of me.

Leo and Delilah came running into the living room a couple minutes later.

"Momma! Can we watch your movie? Please?"

"Leo we've already watched it like 30 times." Billie groaned.

"Please?? Me and Dee really wanna watch it."

She looked to me for confirmation and I just shrugged with a smile.

"I don't mind."

"Of course you don't. Okay, everybody on the couch. I'll get the snacks and tissues."

We set the twins into their playpen and got settled to watch Billie's documentary.


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