Tic Attack

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(Aleah's pov)

"Good morning," I spoke to wife as she rolled over to meet me.

"Morning yes, i'm not sure about the good part."

"Why is that?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it. Just come here and cuddle me."

"Talking might help." I said, rolling on top of her.

"It's just work. It's stressing me out." She said, a few of her tics starting up.

"Yeah I can see that. You think talking about it will help or make it worse?"

"I dunno."

"Well, we have a good bit before the kids come in to say good morning. Talk to me."

"We're just super behind schedule on this movie. We're not even half way through production and shooting and our deadline is in 5 months. Not to mention editing and then we have to send it off to be approved."

The more she talked about it the more she ticked and I gently cupped her face to keep her from throwing her neck out.

"I'm sorry honey. I know that's stressful. Can't you get an extension?"

"That is our extension baby."

"Oh shit, that's awful. I'm sure you'll get it done on time. Here, why don't I make us breakfast this morning, and coffee."

She smiled and I kissed her lips before getting up and going downstairs to greet my kids.

"Morning mom." They all said.

"Good morning my angels. Did you all sleep okay?"

"Leo sleepwalked into our room again." Delilah said.

"Did you do like I told you?" I asked her, turning on the stove and the coffee pot like clock work.

"Yes me and Ev put him back to bed. Hey where's momma?"

"Right here my loves." Billie said, entering the kitchen as she kissed everyone on the head.

"Why don't you let me take over?" She asked, putting her hands on my hips.

"Ah ah, no. You are supposed to be relaxing so you don't go into an attack."

"How do you know that'll happen?"

"I don't, but I suspect it. You remember what happens when you try and do too many things at once while stressed out so sit down with everyone else."

She chuckled and kissed my cheek before sitting down, trying her best to keep her composure in front of the kids.

"Billie the more you suppress them the worse it'll be. So stop."

"Sorry, it's just a habit." She mentioned, her neck jerking to the side.

Even though I've told her countless times the kids don't and won't judge her, She still finds it embarrassing when she ticks in front of the kids. I just think she doesn't want them to see her like that.

"Love can you hand me an ice pack, my necks starting to hurt."

"You gonna be okay?" I asked worriedly, grabbing one from the freezer.

"I'll be alright. It's not like I haven't had a million tic attacks before."

"Yes but you said yourself they're a lot more painful now."

"Leah I'll be okay. I promise."

I didn't believe her, but I didn't push it.

"Okay. Leo come help me set the table for breakfast."


"No, I said order 12 not 1200! Do you understand how much money you've just wasted on fucking props! Angela this is going to set us back even more!"

I could hear Billie yelling from our room as I showered and I sighed to myself, I felt so bad for her. She must be stressed beyond belief.

"Okay, Angela I gotta go. Just fix this and fix it fast so we can get our money back."

I heard her come into the bathroom and sigh as she stood in front of the mirror, waiting for me. She always helps me out of the shower, regardless of what she has going on.

I turned the water off and stepped out into the towel she had waiting for me.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do."

"I know, but unless you can get back $5000 for props then I think we're out of luck."

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders where I touched a tender part of her neck and she winced.

"What happened?"

"Well I've been throwing my neck around all fuckin day so it's a little sore."

"Do you want a massage? Or maybe a martini?"

Neither of us are really big drinkers but an occasional one never hurt anybody.

"How about both, and an aspirin."

"Alright, you lay down, put on a good show or something. I'll get dressed and bring those things to you."

She thanked me before planting a kiss on my lips.

Before I had the chance to go downstairs though I came out of the room to find Billie's head in her hands.

"Honey are you alright?"

"It's happening. You were right." She said, straining to keep herself togetehr.

"Is it another attack?"


"Okay, let me go get your oils okay? I'll be right back."

I walked back into our bathroom and grabbed her oils, quickly putting some in our diffuser.

Billie had propped herself up on the wall as I put the oils on her pulse points, like her wrists and her neck.

I held her arms softly to keep her from hitting herself which is a newly developed tic she had over the last year.

"Oh my god, my head hurts so bad." She said, probably from her eyes being stuck in the back of her head.

"I know. I'll have some aspirin as soon as this is over."

"Ohhh baby. It hurts." She says, referring to her neck.

"I know, it's gonna be okay. Just breathe for me my love. Let it happen, I'm right here."

Her neck jerked back and forth and her head softly hit against the wall and I was worried she would hurt herself so I moved for just a minute to get a pillow.

If something happened it wouldn't be the first time she's hurt herself because of her tics, there's been multiple occasions where she's banged her head against something.

I felt so bad when these happen, cause I know there's not really anything I can do to make it better.

Thankfully after about 10 minutes they had started to come down enough that I could hold her. I gave her the aspirin first before I gently put her head on my chest and laid us down.

"Jesus christ, I don't think I've ever been in so much pain after an attack before."

"I'm so sorry my love. What can I do to help?"

"Can you give me a massage like you said?"

"Of course, here turn over."

She rolled over on her side and I gently massaged her neck and shoulders and her scalp. Only a few of her tics coming in every so often.

After a good while of me doing that I could tell she was asleep. Sometimes these tic attacks really wear her out, and I know all that stress probably didn't help.

She definitely needed this.

I sighed as I stroked the side of her head, gently kissing her temple.

"I love you Billie. And I'll always be here for you my love."


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