Mom Life

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Leo- 4
The twins are newborns

(Billie's pov)
Both me and Aleah groaned as we were awoken in the middle of the night by our newborn twins cries.

We found out very quickly that when one cries, they both cry.

"What time is it?" She mumbled

"3:30. So they're probably hungry."

"Okay, give me Elijah I fed Everly last time." She sat up against the headboard as she rubbed her eyes.

I handed her Elijah and I got Everly and we sat together to feed the twins. We were told to try and keep them on the same feeding and sleep schedule, so far it wasn't too bad.

It was hard getting them to fall asleep at the same time but eventually they did.

"Elijah's not really feeding baby. I don't think he's that hungry."

"Well Everly certainly is. So much for keeping them on the same schedule." I chuckled

"Well we tried. I don't really get that to be honest, I mean yeah they're twins but they're still two different babies. They have different needs and wants and appetites." Aleah got up from the bed to put Elijah back to sleep.

"I mean the doctor did say that the schedule was more for us than it was them."

Just then we heard a tiny knock at our door from Leo. Aleah went to open it to find our son with his plushie, his face stained with tears.

"Did you have another nightmare baby?" Aleah asked.

He nods and Aleah picks him up to take him back to bed while I finished up with Everly. She was a bit fussy getting back to bed but other than that it went smoothly thank god.

I went to the kids room to see how Leo was doing, walking in at the end of their conversation.

"...whatever happens in those dreams isn't real okay? They're just fears that you have and they make their way into your little head before you sleep."

"Dere scawy."

"I know baby but me and momma will always be here for you, and so will your brother and sisters. Okay?"

"Okie mommy."

"Good, remember this dream catcher you gotta believe in it for it to work."

He nodded and gave Aleah a big hug before she tucked him back in and kissed his head, saying goodnight.

"Night night, mommy, night night momma."

"Goodnight little man."
We left his door cracked just a bit so we could hear if something went wrong.

"How is he?"

"He's alright. He'll be alright as long as he knows those dreams aren't real."

Of course we heard one of the babies crying yet again, and then the other one started. It was still hard to tell who's cry belonged to who just yet, but we did know that this was a "i need a change" cry.

"It's your turn by the way, I changed them last time." Aleah whispered to me, a smirk on her face.

"Shut up, go to bed." I shoved her shoulder and we walked back to the room where I changed the twins and again got them situated for bed.

"Oh my god, it's almost 5 am." Aleah whined looking at the clock.

"Well that's mom life for ya love." I said, flopping down beside her.

"I know I know. I'm not mad about it. I'm used to not sleeping."

"Aren't we both?"

Of course, then Delilah starts crying. We both groan and laugh.

"I'll go. You had Leo I'll get Delilah." I kissed her forehead and urged her to get some sleep. At least one of us should.


A/N: First chapterrrrr is out :)

let me know if you guys have any things you wanna see like sibling rivalry maybe some gay shit, some family time let me know and i'll do it

I hope those of you who like the family side of Billie enjoy this little imagines book and i can't wait to write more

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