Chapter 3

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*2 months later*
So today is the day I am finally getting married to the man of my dreams. I get ready in my room at the hotel, my mom and 2 of my sisters came in the morning to help me get ready and too see my dress, since I didn't take anyone with me. The dress I needed to get it alone. I couldn't handle anyone destroying the dresses I liked and then picking something for me. Mohammad is the one that encouraged me to do that and told everyone to stay at home and let me go alone. It was a prefect experience for me. As a hairstylist is working on my hair and a make up stylist working on my face, I was on a phone call with Mohammad. He just keeps checking on how I am doing and if anyone is annoying me. He is so protective over me and that is the cutest thing ever. It makes my heart melt and makes me feel like a princess.

I can't stop thinking about our first kiss or our first time to make love, it just gets me so excited that my first kiss or first time making love will be with a man like him. My real first time anyway, the first time we meet, it was after I was raped and my virginity was taken with force. I never count or consider that, because I never consented to that and it was just a terrible time. Anyways I am not gonna get stuck on the past and I will move to the future. Mohammad kept telling me jokes to make me laugh and it does every time. Without noticing the time the girls finished my hair and make up, and I check the time and see it is almost time. I then say goodbye to Mohammad and then we hang up. I then go into my room with one of my sister and she helps me get in the dress and she zips it and says, "Wow, this dress is beautiful, but it isn't the dress I expected for you." "I didn't except it either but the second I put it on, I felt like it was the one I was supposed to marry Mohammad in. So I got it." "It is amazing on you, and I am happy you are happy." I smile then she puts my vail on my head and we go out and show my other sister, the other one that was allowed to be there, and my mom. My mom says, "I like the dress, but I don't love it, I feel like there would have been something better. I would have picked something better if you would have let me go with you dress shopping." "Thank you for your opinion, but I love it and I feel like this is me and not anyone else. So I really am not bothered if you don't like it because I love it. That is the whole reason why I went by myself, I wanted something for me and I feel like a bride in this. It may not be the type of bride that you wanted me to be, but it is the type of bride I wanna be. Independent and strong. Your opinions mean jack to me about the dress at this point and before, if I love it then you should to and be happy for me." I say and smile and then no one had anything to say, so we just gathered our things. Mohammad's dad closed down the hotel for the day, so no boys, no one that isn't invited could come. So I didn't have to cover my hair so much, from my room to the room where the big things are gonna happen.

I reach there and Mohammad was already there, when he sees me I see tears start to come down his cheeks and it just melts my heart. I go over to stand in front of him and wipe the tears that were running on his cheeks, he then takes my hands and kisses them. I smile then we sit down next to each other and their is a person. Here I had to put on the hijab for a while because their was a man that was talking. We sign papers and we say everything he tells us to say then he gives us a book that says we are married, then he leaves the room, I take of the thing that was covering my hair and just stay with vail. Everyone leaves the room, so Mohammad and I can go outside and they will all be down stairs under the stairs waiting for us. When we were alone Mohammad comes over to me and he removes the vail and slowly leans in, I close my eyes, then I feel his lips on me and I kiss back. It was a short beautiful, passionate, and intimate kiss and it puts a huge smile on my lips. He backs away I open my eyes and see him with his eyes open as well and then he says, "That was one hell of a first kiss. I love you even more now." "I love you too even more now, and I think we will love each other even more when we finally make love," I smile and he smiles very big also, he then plants a kiss on my cheeks, then he puts the vail over me and we walk out together holding hands. We go out and we see our family underneath us, I put my hands in a triangle like, without the bottom though, then Mohammad moves the ring from my left hand to my right and I do the same, then we kiss. Then we throw pedals to everyone underneath us. Then we start going down the stairs, while interlocking arms. There is a person taking a video of the whole thing, Mohammad kept whispering to me sweet things making me blush. We walk down the isle to where there is the big throne like chair for the both of us. We sit down and then a big jewellery box is given to Mohammad and he swaps the jewellery I was wearing to the jewellery in the box. Then we stand up and go in front of the chair a bit, the vail is then put on both of us and we slow dance together, Mohammad kept whispering funny things in my ears, it made me laugh every time. Then after a while we cut the cake and feed each other then, take picture with everyone. Then I put the hijab thing on my head and my father and brothers long with Mohammad's brothers and father came in and we took pictures with them.

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