Chapter 7

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*Next morning*
*Maya's point of view*
I wake up and find Mohammad asleep, I lay in bed and just stare in admiration on my husband. He is really perfect, he is so cute when he is sleeping, he has this smile on his face and it makes me really happy. This man, my husband has been my rock through everything, I really don't think I would be alive if it wasn't for him. He has done more than anyone could ever ask for, in a human being. He helped me fall in love with myself first than I fell in love with him and he felt the same. Finding a man like him was my biggest dream in the world and I know a lot of people say this, but I am really the luckiest person in the world to have this man as my husband. "Hey, what are you thinking about babe?" Mohammad asks as he takes me out of my thoughts. "Thinking about you baby, and how lucky I am to have you." He smiles and brings his face closer to mine and plants a kiss on my lips then says, "I am the lucky one." I smile and then ask him, "What do you wanna do today? Do you have plans?" "I do actually," he looks back to his bag and goes to it and then comes back and sits on the bed and takes out tickets and then he says, "Disney?" "Disney!!" I scream with happiness and he smiles. I kiss him and he kisses back and then he separates and says, "We better get going now, so we can enjoy our day at Disney, we are gonna have so much fun." I smile and we both get up and start to get ready.

We decide on a matching outfit, it is really cute. We decide on a white shirt with 'Mr. and Mrs. Qutab' on it. Mohammad thought it would be cute and honestly it is. Mine is a long shirt and Mohammad's is a short one. We also wear light blue jeans and I wear a hijab and we both wear matching nike black shoes, with a white check on it. We grab our things and head to the hotel restaurant, we have a quick breakfast and we take the car Mohammad rented for a couple days. We then start our drive to Anaheim. Mohammad drives and I put the dvd we made with all our favorite songs in it. We are very picky when it comes to our music. We like certain music and ironically we like a lot of the same music, we do though have a couple of songs that is not for the two of us, but we listen to it and we are okay with because it makes the other happy, and for us we just want each other to be happy.

After a while we finally reach, 'Disney Land Park', after a while we finally find a parking space, then we walk over to the gate, it was a 10 minutes walk, but it was fine. I am enjoying our time together as much as I can. We both have medium backpacks, like the one kids take to school, we both didn't put a lot of things in it, just things that we will need for the day. When we reach the gate, we are searched then we go in to the booth and Mohammad gives them our tickets and we then are given bracelets and it says fast pass, I look at Mohammad and he says as we move from the counter, "It is so worth it for you, and to see a smile on our face." I smile and put my arms around his neck and kiss him and he kisses back. We separate and I say, "let's go start riding all the rides." We then grab each other's hands, we interlock them and start running to head inside.

We run around for a while and we take pictures with a lot of the characters we see. As time goes, we get on ride after ride. Our fast passes were perfect, we didn't have to wait a lot. There were people with fast passes also. But we had so much fun together laughing and kissing. On one of the rides a man that was next to us in the normal lane asks, "Honeymooners?" "Yeah, how did you know?" "Well, the way you act with each other, also your shirts." We laugh then he asks, "How long have you too been married?" "Well, we just landed in LA last night, before that we were in New York for 3 days and the day before that we spent it traveling, so today is our 6th day, we haven't reached a week yet." "Aww, that is adorable, well I hope you too enjoy your time and as a man that has been married for 35 years, I would like to give you advice, if that is okay?" "Absolutely, go ahead." "Okay, listen. My wife and I have this one rule which is honesty is the best policy, no matter what the situation. That rule saved our marriage so many times so just live by it. If you face the same thing we did which is people will try to come in and ruin our relationship. They wouldn't be able to do anything if you always tell each other the truth, no matter what." "Thank you sir," "My name is Caleb West. By the way." "Thank you Caleb, hope you enjoy the rest of your day." Mohammad shakes his hands and then it was our turn in the fast pass, so we quickly got on and it was a magical ride.

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